My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

gratz. I don't care, I watch all of 4 shows or some shit. it's mostly goign to be used for watching the episodes of The Tick I have cause they look like shite on my computer monitor cause they'd in TV resolution.
I don't watch any shows really but I figured I need something to watch DVDs and videos on and it's not like I'm gonna have to throw it away next year so I figured I might as well buy a nice one, but wasting money on useless shit sucks so no plasma or widescreed or gayness. I got me a dvd/vcr too yay.
yeah, i was gonna get my parents old VCR, but it died. So I'll just have to use my comp as a DVD player and not watch any VHS until I feel like spending 30 bucks on a cheap VCR.
MadeInNewJersey said:



you won't regret it, if so you suck!

ellestin said:

:yell: I want it! :yell:
Conspicuously Absent said:
yeah, i was gonna get my parents old VCR, but it died. So I'll just have to use my comp as a DVD player and not watch any VHS until I feel like spending 30 bucks on a cheap VCR.
I used to have an old TV with a built-in VCR that ate tapes and didn't play NTSC tapes, and t out of my five tapes are NTSC and I broke the remote when I threw it on erik but missed and hit the wall instead so I needed a new one and I still have the old tv if anyone wants it, anyway my computer doesn't like playing dvds for me, I guess it's because the graphic card sux so I needed that too and really watching movies and/or music dvds on das machine isn't as good as on a real tv imo even though I have really nice sound here compared to the tv (stereo hööked up to machine) and I've only watched the darkthrone dvd so far but it kinda rules and you can't see or hear much on any of the live vidz but the interviews are cool and so is the live stuff but I bought the box for the rest of the stuff anyway and I don't really know why I tell this tale but it's 7 AM so I'm off to bed, sieg heil to y'all
From Profound Lore

ULVER - Blood Inside - virgin white vinyl with holy blood red splatter
ULVER - Blood Inside - red vinyl with holy black blood splatter
ULVER - Blood Inside - transparent virgin vinyl with holy blood red splatter
ULVER - Blood Inside - holy blood red and virgin white two-sided bleed

expecting other two colours with my TER order :loco:

From MFJ.

Noltem - Hymn Of The Wood ! with custom lyrics sheet!
So I got home tonight to find a fuckload of packages stuck in my door.

Here is what they contained:

Subversive Music:
Allerseelen - Gotos = Kalanda
Allerseelen - Neuschwabenland
Current 93 - Soft Black Stars
Of The Wand & The Moon - Sonnenheim
Death In June - Behind the Mask DVD
A couple CD-Rs of various burnt and pro CD-Rs in the "Bag o' Fun" (see thread)
Nasheim - Evighet/Undergång LP

Subversive Literature:
The Secret Of The Runes - Guido Von List
The Invincible - Guido Von List
The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric - Guido Von List
Rune Magic - S.A. Kummer

Condoms in the DIJ DVD package. WTF.
OM - Variations on a Theme
CURRENT 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind/The Thunder: Perfect Mind (yay, finally own this)
CAN - Future Days
ASH RA TEMPEL - Schwingungen
TELEVISION - Marquee Moon

Man, my taste in music is so immaculate!
aaarrrrggghh wtf? how, where, why do you guys purchase and endless amount of discs? are you living in your parents basement rent-free? im not cracking, i seriously want to know. i picture many of you strung-out like crack fiends, living on the street, but with a vast collection of obscure lithuanian folk metal.