My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Doomcifer said:

When you're done with that, remember to tell me if it was any good.
Mayhem - De Mysteriis dom Sathanas
'twas 'bout time...
Corrupted - El Mundo Frio
wowowow, this digibook is easily the most beautiful thing I've ever held between my palms...
Malicious Secrets/Antaeus/Mütiilation/Deathspell Omega - From the Entrails to the Dirt 4-way split
solid stuff, the DsO track is one of their most unsettling so far, and Mütiilation covering "My Way" is somewhere between hilarious, sick and WTF
Ellestin said:
Oh yeah, and after 5 years without playing a single PC game I bought those two 4 Euro each basing on a sticker "best evar and whatnot", are they any good?


It's pretty great. Not the best game I've played, but definitely 8/10 material.
Ellestin said:
Oh yeah, and after 5 years without playing a single PC game I bought those two 4 Euro each basing on a sticker "best evar and whatnot", are they any good?



While Morrowind is Godly, I make out a huge MEH to Heroes of Might and Magic.
ok I started with Morrowind today, it's going to be a huge venture, provided I'm a complete n00b as RPGs go. The first village alone is an orgy of fucking side quests... I think I'll save it up for holidays or something rather than getting frustrated with slow progress.

[EDIT] On my first couple minutes out there on the map I got killed twice by a fish, godammit!
I don't have the time for RPGs anymore. I tried to beat Baldur's Gate 2 and still ahven't done so, despite loving it. But once you get distracted, you forget the story and where you are in it and what you have to do and shit.