My Latest Purchases Thread

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Yea I just emailed the THR guy. First thing tommorow morning im sending the money off for those two CD's and a " A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" T-shirt. Was I the only one who didnt see either of these two coming?!?! *Violates the Obvious*

In the past weeks:

ALAN PARSONS PROJECT - I Robot (finally I own it on CD)
GENESIS - And Then There Were Three (ditto)
THE WHO - Tommy
STEVE HACKETT - Voyage of the Acolyte
ARSIS - A Celebration of Guilt
MORGION - Cloaked In Ages, Crowned In Earth
MISTIGO VARGATH DARKESTRA - The Key to the Gates of the Apocalypse (finally arrived... after ordering it at Christmas)
Black Winter Day said:
MISTIGO VARGATH DARKESTRA - The Key to the Gates of the Apocalypse (finally arrived... after ordering it at Christmas)
woah, where the hell did you order that one from?

I'm beginning to think my order from Adipocere might take that long.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Yea I just emailed the THR guy. First thing tommorow morning im sending the money off for those two CD's and a " A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" T-shirt. Was I the only one who didnt see either of these two coming?!?! *Violates the Obvious*

Noone sees Xasthur releases coming. Nothing for two weeks then BAM a new full-length. This guy needs to slow down or something :p
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Yea I just emailed the THR guy. First thing tommorow morning im sending the money off for those two CD's and a " A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" T-shirt. Was I the only one who didnt see either of these two coming?!?! *Violates the Obvious*


isn't that the second xasthur full length this year? i don't care much for xasthur but it feels a bit odd when someone makes releases with such short intervalls, is it possible not to sacrifice quality for quantity? :|
That's what I'm thinking. Everything Malefic releases is quality stuff but I keep thinking perhaps if he took two years or so to make the best fucking album he possibly could, it could turn out amazing.
Nate The Great said:
Where can I get this new Xasthur? I don't see it at Moribund Cult . . . or whatever.

it's only just been released, but it should reach some other distros pretty soon if you don't want to order it from THR that is, it's not that much extra for shipment really
Erik said:
Noone sees Xasthur releases coming. Nothing for two weeks then BAM a new full-length. This guy needs to slow down or something :p
True. But at least Telepathic was advertised and "Hyped" alittle by Moribund. This release was like "Hey everyone have you heard the new Xasthur "Telepathic with the.. *BAM*....Violating of the Obvoius...?" You also have to look at the releases though. Alot of songs are on multiple recordings or their remastered/ re-recorded. Alot of even the "New" material is songs he has written years ago. Irregardless I will still buy everything Malefic releases, because its almost a gurantee it will sound nothing like 80% of Modern BM. I should have posted as a Xasthur fanboy under that thread. I still need the Original Gate through Bloodstained Mirrors and the split with Osirius, but after searching for a few months, Ive determined its damn near impossible to get ahold of those. There not being printed obviously, and anyone who got one in the first place isnt likely to be selling thier copy on ebay.
two packages arrived today containing:

Grand Belial's Key - Castrate the Redeemer
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination
Mordaehoth - Bloedwraak: Verdoem al't Chriselijk Leven
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