My Latest Purchases Thread

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JayKeeley said:
Woah. :kickass:

Pretty cool. :cool:

Meh. Although Swano's impersonation of David Coverdale is pretty good.

I hope you like drums that sound like this: click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click....

From what I've listened to so far:

Orphaned Land= :worship:
Melechesh-Half-listened to as background music, noticed quite a few cool riffs, so I'm expecting it will be really good.
Nightingale-Relaxing, reminds me of Havayoth. Likey.
Dimmu Borgir-Stormblast: Already had this on cd, probably just one of the greatest black metal releases evAr.
God Among Insects-this FUCKING RULES. :kickass: Go to their site and download "A Gush of Blood." If you don't love this song, you should have your DM license revoked.
Windir:Listened to it a little bit. I expected less black elements, more folk elements. We'll see where it goes.
Bloodbath: What the hell is this? I expected the band to change style but not to change into mediocre crap. The production is paper thin, the riffs are good, but the songs seem poorly constructed. Peter's vocal performance is weak and the album hardly holds my attention. Gone is that killer guitar tone from RTC, gone are the punky grooving riffs, gone is the most demonic vocal performance in history. WTF happened. I need to give this more time, only listened to it twice but was begging for it to end.
Testament: So far this rules, I've had this band on my "to buy" list for as long as I can remember and this sounded like a good place to start.

Obviously haven't listened to Ensiferum (hopefully its similar to Iron), Karl Sanders, Diabolical Masquerade or Wintersun.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Wintersun if fucking awesome, despite the drum sound.

I think the drum sound is fine. And yes, Wintersun is fucking awesome. It's funny.. Jari got kicked out of Ensiferum and he said "I'll show you, I'll make an album that owns you three times over!"... everyone said "Yeah, sure". Guess what- he did!
JayKeeley said:
Interesting - did you see this?

Worthy of debate I'm sure.

Yes, and before I bought the album no less.

When it comes to death metal, I don't need anyone's opinion but my own. Just the honest truth. I was going to buy it "blind" if you'd call it that, then I found the mp3, it owned me, end of story. Just flat out groovy stuff. It has Lord K on it and he delivered the goods again.

Oh, and that second disc on Orphaned Land is GODLY.
I'm bored, so I will comment if you don't mind.....thank you.

Nightingale-Alive Again
I really didn't mind Nightingale to much. Not my fave type of music, but it was pretty good for what it was. Alive Again was my favorite from the four albums, with I being a close second.

While I don't have the OMG BUYORDIE attitude JayK has towards this release, it is quite good and original. I do prefer Djinn, but I really enjoy both when I listen to them.

Orphaned Land-Mabool
I prefer El Norra Alila, but Mabool is very good. I like the direction the band took, and I really enjoy the bonus disc.

I've only heard 1184, but yeah, I expected more "viking" or "folk", and less black metal from these guys. It wasn't bad, though.

This album just plain rocks. Better than Iron IMO. The song Goblin's Dance is just bouncy fun. This is as close to power metal as I'll get, and I love it.

Also, for Ensiferum fans - their two demos will have a limited CD release in the near future. Check their website.

Dimmu Borgir-Stormblast PLP
This is OK. It is the best from the band I've heard, but everything after is poop, so it's not saying much.

Diabolical Masquerade-Ravendusk in my Heart LP
I like Phantom Lodge the most, but Ravendusk is a killer album.
JayKeeley said:
Seriously, this is the only song I know where a band can go from all guns blazing metal, and then fall into 3 minutes of stoner psychadelic doom and then back to galloping metal! \m/

Everybody on this forum needs to own some Slough Feg at this point.
Cant argue with that.
Let's see... the last time I got a vinly from The End (for Matt) it arrived at his home broken. On the 24th I bought myself Blood on Ice (vinyl). I got the package today. They fucking sent me Octagon. :yuk:
Best. Deathmetal. Ever.

If you disagree, I'm sorry that you're wrong. :p

Oh and if you're on the first track still, don't worry it gets better.
I get better after the first track? Perhaps, but that's not important right now.

Uhhh, if you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. Keep listening. Allow yourself to get washed away by the expertise riffery from such classics as Dawn of the Angry and Eyes to See, Ears to Hear. Oh, and if the outro guitar solo from Hatework doesn't send shivers down your spine, you have no soul. :Spin:
Kveldssssssssssssssssssanger, or to be more specific KveldsSanger. :)

En Vind Av Sorg said:
Dawn of the Angry is the best Morbid Angel song. Ever.
First time I saw Morbid Angel live (on the Domination tour), they didn't even dim the lights when they hit the stage, the meandering crowd was caught off guard, hearing *CLANG* clk clk clk *CLANG* clk clk clk *CLANG* clk clk clk (lights off, riff starts). Whoa fuck me do I still get goosebumps thinking of that.
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