My Latest Purchases Thread

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NAD said:
name escapes me but there were only 50 of them surrounding my house growing up
If you mean a cypress, it's not a cypress as far as I can tell from what Negura's said. It certainly must be related though.
Yep that's the one. It's a different color from what I am used to, but definitely very similar. Attention to detail is always welcome, so no matter what I think of this CD, bonus points are awarded for the packaging alone.
Electro Hippies - The Only Good Punk...Is A Dead Punk (dashing pink vinyl!)

Venom - Tear Your Soul Apart

Candlelight Collection 3 & 4
Latest purchases:

25 Nasheim shirts


Demo recording starts friday. You're hardly going to be disappointed if you enjoyed "Evighet".
JayKeeley said:
And what do you intend to do with those 25 shirts may I ask? If you're selling them, then plug away.
Actually I just thought it would be cool not having to do any washing for a month or two. :grin:

Yeah, we're selling 'em. Unfortunately shipping to the US is fucking expensive and the dollar is weak so we have to charge $17 including shipping if anyone wants one -- that equals zero profit for us which is the way it should be obviously... Sweden & Europe will be cheaper. We have T-shirts in L and XL and also a limited supply (2) of XL longsleeves.
Yeah. Printing the demos can take a while -- not sure how long exactly -- as they're being pro-printed and all by Intolerant Records who're Canadian. I'll have to see how many copies he plans to send us and I'll let you know.

Black Winter Day said:
i want to hear it, dammit
We'll post an MP3 as soon as we have it recorded... Also, I'm sure you can arrange some sort of deal with Sorath regarding "Brave Murder Day."
BWD: I won't cry if I don't get it :)

I hope printing the cassettes will be fast, I want one too... Plus, we'll never get rid of these t-shirts unless we can sell demos at the same time because shipping is so fucking expensive. If we don't have to mail them we charge 80 SEK (ca $10 I think) which I think isn't a too jewish price even if it isn't the cheapest, but we make only a dollar/shirt which doesn't even cover the costs of one TS+one LS each for me and Erik
Sorath said:
I hope printing the cassettes will be fast, I want one too... Plus, we'll never get rid of these t-shirts unless we can sell demos at the same time because shipping is so fucking expensive. If we don't have to mail them we charge 80 SEK (ca $10 I think) which I think isn't a too jewish price even if it isn't the cheapest, but we make only a dollar/shirt which doesn't even cover the costs of one TS+one LS each for me and Erik
Assume also that you can use Royal Carnage to help sell whatever you wish.
If we don't have to mail them we charge 80 SEK


Sehr gut if we can/need to use RC, I expect at least a contact adress by the review and possibly a note that t-shirts are also avalible by the review.
We do get a link to the homepage in the review, that should be enough. Better to send people to the home page so we can let them know IF there are shirts/tapes available before they send money to our contact address.

BTW, who wants to do the review?
Erik said:
We do get a link to the homepage in the review, that should be enough. Better to send people to the home page so we can let them know IF there are shirts/tapes available before they send money to our contact address.
You're also top of our links page. And since Wacken has come and gone for a while, , we can remove their banner and I can throw your mini-banner on our footer frame in time for your release.

I'm sure you've already considered it, but you can make a new mini-banner announcing the release etc. and I can use that.

Just save me a copy of the release.

BTW, who wants to do the review?
Take your pick. We also have a new writer coming on board by this weekend who might be keen...(check your e-mail).
i'd be interested in a demo/shirt as well...

just ordered:
Bergthron - jagdheim shirt
bergthron - durch den nebel der finsternis (demo)
bilskirnir/nordreich split EP

my first and last order with perverted taste... the shipping/money transfer costs make up about 30% of the whole price :loco:
Sorath said:
I hope printing the cassettes will be fast, I want one too... Plus, we'll never get rid of these t-shirts unless we can sell demos at the same time because shipping is so fucking expensive. If we don't have to mail them we charge 80 SEK (ca $10 I think) which I think isn't a too jewish price even if it isn't the cheapest, but we make only a dollar/shirt which doesn't even cover the costs of one TS+one LS each for me and Erik

You don't do Euros over there then? ^_^ do let us know how much a shirt/demo combo will be if you can. I'm interested :)
Sweden is one of the EU countries dumb enough not to have introduced the euro. Naturally we'll let ya order in euros though, or £ if ya prefer.
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