My Latest Purchases Thread

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£ is no harder for us to handle than $ or €. € is a bitch to send in the mail really because the smallest note is €5 and you don't really want to send coins. We'll be able to accept PayPal also.
Swans - Various Failures

*This is a 2 disc compilation of Swans material from 1988 to 1992. I bought it for $13 on EBAY. HOWEVER, the guy that sold it didn't say anything about it being signed by Michael Gira himself!!! That probably ups the value considerably.

**This compilation is an excellent starting place for anybody curious about Swans. It isn't anything like their earlier stuff, and it is heavier than their mid 90's stuff. I'm just constantly stunned by these guys. Swans is easily one of the best bands the world has ever known. Few people ever achieve cult status for their music, but Michael Gira is definitely one of them.

***If fans of everything from Godflesh to Agalloch don't have something from this band, you should be hanged by your balls until they are swollen, swollen, swollen

****I especially think JayKeeley might appreciate these guys. This stuff is from the late 80's and early 90's, but it sounds like something totally new and unique.
npearce said:
****I especially think JayKeeley might appreciate these guys. This stuff is from the late 80's and early 90's, but it sounds like something totally new and unique.
Yeah I've been reading up about them for a while now, particularly on SSMT.
Swans - Children of God/World of Skin (a local record shop had this for less than I've ever seen it for on EBAY)

Ion Dissonance - Breathing is Irrelevant

Sadis Euphoria - Instinct/Obsession

Kalibas - Enthusiastic Corruption of the Common Good
The End apparently ran out of Falkenbach's new one. I'll wait I guess. I ordered 4 CDs from The End about 30 minutes ago. Lets see how long it takes.

Also, I'm really curious as to Erik's and BWD's opinions of Arcane Sun.
JayKeeley said:
Mine is still on the three-legged mule express from The End. :( The wait is killing me.

That's cruel... just be patient, it's worth the wait. I've had to wait a whole week as well.
Kataklysm-Sorcery/Mystical Gate of Reincarnation
Kataklysm-Epic:The Poetry of War
Dimmu Borgir-Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

Deathmeister Vol. 1

The above cd I haven't received yet. Its got some bands on it I've been meaning to check out such as Dark Funeral and God Dethroned, plus it was cheap.
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