My latest thrash Artwork...

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
Sorry for the shameless self promotion...
I don't know if anyone is interested, but I thought I would just whore out my latest work for an exodus/testament etc influenced thrash band. I recorded and mixed their album as well so figured I'd give them a shout out and a couple of links to buy their album for anyone into this sort of stuff!








Here is their facebook page and link to buy the album on amazon :)


I mean, the goal being to hit that golden age of thrash vibe ... its killer. Would seamlessly fit alongside any album from that time period

fuckin brilliant dude!

the best part it I have absolutely no idea how the art has anything to do with the title ... its awesome!
Cheers dudes :)


the best part it I have absolutely no idea how the art has anything to do with the title ... its awesome!

haha, I originally thought it was an odd title but it does make sense. Basically 'Fearful Symmetry' (also known as 'Kraven's Last Hunt') is a spiderman comic about Kraven, Spiderman and Vermin all trying to kick each other's asses. The last 3 songs on the album are a conceptual trilogy about their fights etc.

I had no idea about any of that until the band told me to draw pictures of the various characters, but obviously I wasn't gonna draw ACTUAL spiderman so just went with a spider!
Ah, now the art makes sense. I thought the band name was really lame, but the fact they're writing about Kraven's Last Hunt gave them points back for me, because Kraven's Last Hunt was great.
Wow, was going to say "Is 'The Die Is Cast' attempted wordplay?" before deciding to google-check to avoid looking like a fool, and then discovered that experts disagree on whether the original phrase is 'die' or 'dye' because it (allegedly) dates back to Julius Caesar and whether he said 'Iacta alea est' or 'Jacta alea est'... sometimes the internet is too much of a mindf*ck!

Oh, and the artwork is awesome - seriously cool! :)
Wow, was going to say "Is 'The Die Is Cast' attempted wordplay?" before deciding to google-check to avoid looking like a fool, and then discovered that experts disagree on whether the original phrase is 'die' or 'dye' because it (allegedly) dates back to Julius Caesar and whether he said 'Iacta alea est' or 'Jacta alea est'... sometimes the internet is too much of a mindf*ck!

Oh, and the artwork is awesome - seriously cool! :)

Cheers man.

Yeah, that song is all about Caeser and his troops. The singer got first degree honours in English at university so the lyrics are all pretty eloquently written.

And the lyrics in the book are all definitely spelled correctly too, haha.