My latest with a Pop Punk band...

My main gripe is the vocals are too quiet. Put the "pop" in "pop punk" and give the listener something to sing along with.

Other than that, it's quite nice.
The drums are in good volume, just a bit buried by the guitars.
1+ on Sickan, guitars sounds a bit muffled. Fix it and the drums will stand out a bit better. :)
Nope bass guitar is through a uad (Nigel) amp sim plugin.

The bass was recorded dir into my digi002 preamp...

After Uad plug I used a waves q8 eq and did a bunch of weired boost and cuts. I cant even remember them to be honest. Then I used Waves l2 after that and just smashed the shit out of it. Thats it, simple really.
Great mix!! I just listened to the "redo" version, it's sounding pretty ace. You did use slate samples right? I love slate samples, but what's becoming a bit "annoying" is that you can spot right ahead, just like ezdrummer DFH! Most people can't spot that anyway, I'm not bashing in any way, they sound awesome and fit the mix very well... but I guess you know what I mean ;)