Snippet of a mix I'm working on....

The overheads are kind of loud. More low frequencies would be a plus, and the guitars don't sound very up front. How high did you roll off on the guitars?
I rolled up to 70hz and the down to 10khz on the guitars. Yea the overheads got pretty loud with mastering limiting. I'm usually famous for having them to low in the mix. I will push them down a bit though and I must ask what you think lacks lows (guitars?) or the overall mix?
Well let me know what you think of the mix overall. I'm debating if i added to much top end in mastering. Anyways you be the judge of what you would change.

nah i dont think you added too much highs at all. Sounds fine to me!
What snare did you end up using? Sounds like it could use a bit more reverb(this coming from a guy that probably puts too much reverb on his snares haha)

btw i'm loving that bass tone. Care to share your chain from the bass guitar all the way to the last plugin? Words cannot express how terrible i am with bass tone....
Guitars a little more , and I can hear the bass but it could use some more 'bass'. Cymbals sound quite alright to me. First get those guitars higher and some more 'bass' on the bass :goggly: then we'll see if the cymbals are still too high for some people but I guess it'll be quite ok.
nah i dont think you added too much highs at all. Sounds fine to me!
What snare did you end up using? Sounds like it could use a bit more reverb(this coming from a guy that probably puts too much reverb on his snares haha)

btw i'm loving that bass tone. Care to share your chain from the bass guitar all the way to the last plugin? Words cannot express how terrible i am with bass tone....

I need to learn how to take screen shots. If your willing to explain i will take some shots.

I will try and explain as well...

Bass was tracked through my sansamp pedal and then as far as processing i doubled the bass track and then split one for lows (800hz and down) and then one for highs (800hz and up) . The lows have a small boost at 50hz and then a thin cut at 67hz and then another thin cut at I think 400hz (screen shot would help). Then i compressed with bomb factory's 1176 plugin 4-1 ration like -6 reduction. Then I think there was a wide cut as well I think at like 400-500hz.

The highs have a boos at 1.5khz (if i kept it I'm not sure) and then a sansamp plugin thats comes with protools for a bit of distortion. Then i sent both to a buss and then used c4 with similar Sneap setup but goes down lower and keeps the lows a little more tame. The i used this free vst called w1 limiter (copy of l1 by waves) with a -12 threshold. Thats the basics that i can remember off the top of my head and I will check into this screen shot thing for yea.
I need to learn how to take screen shots. If your willing to explain i will take some shots.

screen shots would be siq.
just look above your "home" or "page up" key, and there should be a key called "prt scr" or somthing similar. Just hit that, then open up microsoft paint, and pres ctl+v(paste). Then just save the pic as a jpeg!

eeezy peezy!

ps. first thing i noticed is that you use a sans amp pedal, which i dont have:waah:
Bass low track plugs...


Bass high plugs and also the bass buss c4 and w1 limiter.....
