New Mix I'm trying to finish tonight!

Sounds pretty solid right off the bat man, vocals could use some more volume, though. Clarity is also a bit obstructed by the distortion effect you've got going on. I like the vibe but I can't understand anything he's saying.

Gtrs sound wide as fuck, maybe a bit honky but I dig it.

Kick needs more volume and less click, as well.
I'm digging the update more - addressed my concerns for sure!

That one lead guitar in the beginning clashes with the vocals, volume wise, but other than that I'm digging it! Might still go for even less click on the kick, but I doubt it'd cut through with less, so what you've got going now is pretty win!
Yea i tried cutting some click but then i lost the kick in the mix. I will check into that lead as well. Thanks for your time man!

I'm bouncing a new mix with a little 3k cut on that lead that fights the vocals and I gated toms to help kill the over tones.
The mix is cool, but I'm not loving the guitars for this kind of music. I feel like you need a raunchy guitar sound with some power and vibe. Check your PM's.
sounds really good dude!
i really like the guitar sound
and the mentioned wideness.
stereo enhancer!?
