My latest work - Pop punk - Finally progressing!!


Apr 7, 2009
These kids came in the studio the other day and none of them are over the age of 15. They didn't want me to do a lot of editing and besides a few things, they actually played pretty tight. The only autotuning is in the backup vocal during the chorus but its barely audible. Just wanted to correctly reinforce the lead vocal. Let me know what ya think!!
Cut out that fill.

Auto-tune more.
Edit more.

Or retrack more.

Sorry to sound like a cunt.

The long "Ignore" or whatever at 2:38 should be removed or re-tracked.
Maybe to make the last chorus more epic add some strings or synth of some kind in the background to fill it out.
No excuses. I appreciate the feedback but this isn't my song, I'm not just gonna go and add strings to someone elses mix. They really didn't want it edited so when i tracked them i wanted to get the best performance out of them as possible.

They came to the studio, paid, and I mixed it to the best of my abilities in regards to how the band wanted. Sorry, I thought I explained that in the initial post.

Thanks though.
I personnally make a compromise between band's request and what I think is best for their sound... If a band that can't nail a part, and that particular fuck-up makes them sound like shit, I will tell them "look, I can't let things stay like that". I still have a "sound" to achieve, and I can't let my own mixs suck for a band's request. My own band asked for a couple of things when I mixed them and I refused some things they asked just because I knew it would sound like shit.

Some parts are pretty sloppy (would need edit...), and vocals tend to go out of tune on a couple of parts. I can't say he's the worst singer I've seen, but damn... I really can't stand vocals to be flat... Is it only me, or guitars are quiet, and snare pops out really loud? Listened at low volume...
I get that and it would be great but also I'm not gonna spend 3 hours editing every instrument for a mix that I charge a flat fee for. When bands pay to get a song recorded, they don't really wanna hear that it's better to track the drums first, edit and then track the rest.

look...i was hoping for critique on how the mix sounds sonically. Thats why I mentioned the editing. Thanks again.
What Folkray said.
If I hear a song that could improve in certain spots and make the overall product sound better I will push the idea to the band.
You really should try and put more of yourself into your recordings.
Most people I know are quite open to ideas, even if its just trying them out(max about 5 minutes time for most things) so its always worth a shot if it may better the product you and the band are selling.
I also think putting the extra time in to edit and make it tight is something you should think about doing, regardless of what you are being paid(unless you are extremely pressed for time), but that is strictly my opinion and I'm sure a lot of people disagree with it.

Again, this is all opinion and just the way I like to work.

If you don't have tight tracked instruments etc you will not have a tight sounding song.

Maybe just tune the vocals up a bit?
Especially in the parts where the vocalists are together, those parts stand out worst.

Fix up those toms.
Nothing is really stand our terrible about it except for the toms.

Also, the strings/synth don't necessarily need to be noticeable, just fill it out a bit/make the end chorus have a bit more oomph.