My Latest Work.


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Just did 2 songs in an 8 hour session Tracked, Mixed and Mastered.

I think its probably some of my best work so far. Then again my ears are probably toasted right about now.

Guitars are Schecter with EMG81's, 5150 Green Channel single tracked left and right through with a Maxon OD808, Mesa 4x12, SM57, ADL600 Pre.

Drums are Slate Snare 5, Slate Kick 10 and 100% Natural Toms through Red 1 Pres.

Vocals through AT4060 into ADL600 Pre.


Your production emphasized some kind of Mortician vibe along the deathcore vibe.

Hate the very slow blast beat (but the band is to blame, not you).

Cymbals sound weird at times, especially at the beginning.

Vocals seem too loud when there are layers of vocals.

I bet the band is called something like "all shall perish like a cowboy with a black dahlia emmure murder in winds of plague" ?
Your production emphasized some kind of Mortician vibe along the deathcore vibe.

Hate the very slow blast beat (but the band is to blame, not you).

Cymbals sound weird at times, especially at the beginning.

Vocals seem too loud when there are layers of vocals.

I bet the band is called something like "all shall perish like a cowboy with a black dahlia emmure murder in winds of plague" ?

The drummer had an extremely simple setup and the cymbals didn't do much justice for the split pair overheads since most of his main cymbals were on the right side of his kit. I think he had a splash and a high hat on the left with his China, Ride and Crash on his right. 1 Rack tom, 1 Floor Tom.

In all there wasnt much put into any one element of the recording. If I had more time I would have played more with the EQ andDe-Essing on the Vocals.

Band is called Consider the Fallen, which in its local scene there are lots of bands with names referencing Military stuff like Fallujah, Beaches of Normandy and a few others I can't recall.

Most of the scene kids here are still into Breakdowns, Suicide Silence, White Chapel, etc.
The drummer had an extremely simple setup and the cymbals didn't do much justice for the split pair overheads since most of his main cymbals were on the right side of his kit. I think he had a splash and a high hat on the left with his China, Ride and Crash on his right. 1 Rack tom, 1 Floor Tom.

In all there wasnt much put into any one element of the recording. If I had more time I would have played more with the EQ andDe-Essing on the Vocals.

All right. Considering all of this, it seems that you made a great job.

Band is called Consider the Fallen, which in its local scene there are lots of bands with names referencing Military stuff like Fallujah, Beaches of Normandy and a few others I can't recall.

Most of the scene kids here are still into Breakdowns, Suicide Silence, White Chapel, etc.
