Death Core - Could use some cymbal EQ tips!


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I am happy overall with the latest band I recorded, I just keep noticing a common flaw in my recordings in regards to cymbals and the high frequency hiss or swish sound of cymbals.

I realize the high hat is probably a bit loud at times and I could probably have spent more time working on it if I had more time. Most of my work right now is 1 or 2 day sessions and are usually a quick in and out with no revisiting or test mixes.

If I know what to look for from the start of frequencies to cut on cymbals I would love to get rid of that fatiguing annoying cymbal sound.

I only get to practice recording when I am actually recording a band so any EQ tips for next time are appreciated.
Wow this sounds really good man. I dig this alot. What band is it?
As for your cymbal question try using a high pass filter on them at about 400hz i think, around there. And when your eq'ing them try taking out that annoying frequency you hear with a very narrow q, just sweep it across and see if you can find that frequency and take it out, chances are another one will probably pop up that you haven't heard before so just do a few cuts to what you like. You could also try using less eq, as I find the less is more theory really helps with the cymbals because of how you can get that really high hiss sound or that chunky shitty cymbal sound with no crisp. Also try sending your cymbal tracks to a separate bus and compress the shit out of them so you can hear that pumping sound. Then take that track and turn up the volume so you can feel it, not so much hear it as that pumping sound doesn't work for very many tunes, this little trick could help you out with your annoying hiss sound as well, yea just gotta play with it right.
So how did you record this? What was the process? Guitars, bass, drums, vocals, everything haha.
I'm diggin your snare and kick sound alot.
Well I hope I could help:)
For instance, I don’t think the main problem in that mix is the cymbals. It’s crushed to -7 dB RMS, which is kind of exaggerated. I think -9 dB or -8.5 dB RMS should be ok.
Thanks for the tips.

And I will definately try messing with the compression. I mostly just hate when I hear that highhat and it constantly stands out to me like nails on a chalkboard.

What band is it?
The Knights of Abaddon. Some young guys from Modesto CA with potential if more time was spent in the studio.

So how did you record this? What was the process? Guitars, bass, drums, vocals, everything haha.

As far as recording process:

Audix Drum D2 and D4Drum Mics on Toms except a 57 on the smallest rack tom. D6 on Kick, Beta 57 on Snare. KM184 Split Overheads. SM7B on Highhat. I5 on the Ride. Toms went through Red 1 Pre's. OH's went through ADL600 Pre's. Kick, Highhat and Ride mics went straight into Control 24 Pre's. Beta 57 Snare into Grace 101 Pre. Outboard Pre's went into Digi192 and Control 24 Pre's went into Digi96.

Kick was a Slate 10 sample 100%. Digidesign 7 Band EQ to filter lows below 60Hz and boost a little in the 5K range.

Snare was a Slate 5 Snare 60%. Metric Halo Channel Strip for EQ and Massey CT4 Compressor. Reverb One.

Toms were 60% Slate Fat Toms 1-3 with the pitch tuned to the natural toms. Digidesign 7 Band EQ, Reverb One.

Drumagog being the sound replacer.

OH's and Highhat/Ride had Metric Halo Channel Strip with some filtering around 500 and below. Massey CT4 Compressor.

Kick & Snare Aux Track with Massey CT4 Comp and MCDSP AC2 with a Big Bottom Setting.

Guitars were ESP Eclipse, EMG81, 5150 Single Tracked on left and right. SM57 slightly off Axis on outside edge of Dust cap and i5 right next to it on the opposite side of the dustcap. the i5 is about -10dB lower than the 57 just enough to add a little thickness but you are mostly hearing the 57. Mesa Recto 4x12. 57 into ADL600, i5 into Red1. 5150 green channel Pre 6.8, High 6.5, Mid 2.5, Low 7, Post 2.5-3, Res 8, Pres 7 High Gain input. Maxon OD808 Drive 8 o'clock, Tone 11 o'clock, Balance 12 o'clock. Massey CT4 Comp, Digidesign 7 Band EQ filtering lows, 3-4dB boost in low mids with Q at 2.85, a 6dB cut at 2.36kHz with Q at 10. Slight 3-4dB boost at 4-5k range with Q at 2.85, Filter highs from about 12K and up. Also been using the Massey VT3 EQ at the end which was set around Bass -2, Mid 3-4, Treble 2. I like the crisp sound/color it adds.

Bass Music Man SUB, Sansamp RBI Pre on SVT 4 Settings into Control 24 Pre. TL Aggro Comp, Digidesign 7 Band EQ boosting low mids, filtering lows below 50Hz. Slight boost in highs. Massey vt3 EQ with Mids at 4 to get a little grind/bite. MCDSP AC2 Big Bottom.

Vocals were AT4060 into ADL600 Pre. Massey CT4 Comp, Digidesign 7 Band EQ Boosting Low Mids, Cutting near 500Hz some, and Boosting around 5-10K range. Digidesign Comp Limiter used to heat things up and a vt3 EQ set to 4, 4, 4 which seems to bring the vocals in front pretty well. Reverb One.

Master Bus insert has MCDSP AC1 with a Cosole preset I believe.

Bounced down to a Stereo WAV and ran through a TC 96K Finalizer using the Wizard mode then a couple miner adjustments. All done in PT HD 7.3.

You asked for everything and that's was damn near everything. :hypno:
Thanks for the tips.

And I will definately try messing with the compression. I mostly just hate when I hear that highhat and it constantly stands out to me like nails on a chalkboard.

The Knights of Abaddon. Some young guys from Modesto CA with potential if more time was spent in the studio.

As far as recording process:

Audix Drum D2 and D4Drum Mics on Toms except a 57 on the smallest rack tom. D6 on Kick, Beta 57 on Snare. KM184 Split Overheads. SM7B on Highhat. I5 on the Ride. Toms went through Red 1 Pre's. OH's went through ADL600 Pre's. Kick, Highhat and Ride mics went straight into Control 24 Pre's. Beta 57 Snare into Grace 101 Pre. Outboard Pre's went into Digi192 and Control 24 Pre's went into Digi96.

Kick was a Slate 10 sample 100%. Digidesign 7 Band EQ to filter lows below 60Hz and boost a little in the 5K range.

Snare was a Slate 5 Snare 60%. Metric Halo Channel Strip for EQ and Massey CT4 Compressor. Reverb One.

Toms were 60% Slate Fat Toms 1-3 with the pitch tuned to the natural toms. Digidesign 7 Band EQ, Reverb One.

Drumagog being the sound replacer.

OH's and Highhat/Ride had Metric Halo Channel Strip with some filtering around 500 and below. Massey CT4 Compressor.

Kick & Snare Aux Track with Massey CT4 Comp and MCDSP AC2 with a Big Bottom Setting.

Guitars were ESP Eclipse, EMG81, 5150 Single Tracked on left and right. SM57 slightly off Axis on outside edge of Dust cap and i5 right next to it on the opposite side of the dustcap. the i5 is about -10dB lower than the 57 just enough to add a little thickness but you are mostly hearing the 57. Mesa Recto 4x12. 57 into ADL600, i5 into Red1. 5150 green channel Pre 6.8, High 6.5, Mid 2.5, Low 7, Post 2.5-3, Res 8, Pres 7 High Gain input. Maxon OD808 Drive 8 o'clock, Tone 11 o'clock, Balance 12 o'clock. Massey CT4 Comp, Digidesign 7 Band EQ filtering lows, 3-4dB boost in low mids with Q at 2.85, a 6dB cut at 2.36kHz with Q at 10. Slight 3-4dB boost at 4-5k range with Q at 2.85, Filter highs from about 12K and up.

Bass Music Man SUB, Sansamp RBI Pre on SVT 4 Settings into Control 24 Pre. TL Aggro Comp, Digidesign 7 Band EQ boosting low mids, filtering lows below 50Hz. Slight boost in highs. Massey vt3 EQ with Mids at 4 to get a little grind/bite. MCDSP AC2 Big Bottom.

Vocals were AT4060 into ADL600 Pre. Massey CT4 Comp, Digidesign 7 Band EQ Boosting Low Mids, Cutting near 500Hz some, and Boosting around 5-10K range. Digidesign Comp Limiter used to heat things up and a vt3 EQ set to 4, 4, 4 which seems to bring the vocals in front pretty well. Reverb One.

Master Bus insert has MCDSP AC1 with a Cosole preset I believe.

Bounced down to a Stereo WAV and ran through a TC 96K Finalizer using the Wizard mode then a couple miner adjustments. All done in PT HD 7.3.

You asked for everything and that's was damn near everything. :hypno:

Thank you very much, how the hell did you remember all that. Unless of course your wrote it down while you were recording haha.
Well good job on the recording dude, sounds great.
And thanks a bunch for that info:rock:
If you are having problems with the high hat (I'm assuming mainly from the overheads) you should try using a deesser to cut out some of the "swishy frequencies/sounds of the hi hat in the over heads"... Just try to zone in on the most annoying frequency region of the high hat in the OH's and see if that cuts it down.... You could always try notch filtering it out as well with an EQ but sometimes a de esser works better... It shouldnt effect the overall sound/tone of the OHs too much and in the end you will get a much more pleasant sound from them... Drummers should never be aloud to ride on an open hi hat... EVER!!!! it kills me everytime haha