My MAR Test

Yeeooww, hello phaseyness, good god - seriously, it sounds like you've got some crazy comb filtering going on there, giving it that hollow "through a paper towel tube" sound
Doubletracking: you're doing it wrong...

Weird, sounds like you copied/pasted the riff, panned and shifted it of a bunch of ms...
Any tips on how to correct it?

What i did was.....2 tracks right (2 settings with the MAR) 2 tracks left...(2 settings with MAR) I recorded them 2 at a time....2 takes. .....should i reverse the phase on 1 setting on each side? Or just do it all in 4 takes?
You should do each one separately. You have the same performance on top of itself...simply changing the settings on MAR will not fix the phase issues you ask for when you do it that way. You have to track it 4 separate times (and only once each!) if you want two tracks on each side.
