Am i stupid for being unhappy with this tone?

Well I owned it awhile ago and never played it through any external cab, so I can't be certain, but I guess there could be some truth to lower wattage heads having less low-end cuz of wimpier transformers (and I'm sure Peavey skimped a bit there as well to get it to its price point). And yeah, I must admit, I really liked the upper-mid tone of the clip I keep mentioning, but it didn't have an abundance of low-end...
well, i think it sounds really good! it certainly does sound like 5150, so maybe you might not be a fan of the sound? maybe diezel/engl would be worth trying? although i'd say, don't give up on the 5150, a lot of good sounding stuff is made with it! hehe.

but if you're selling.. if you live in the UK, how much would you be looking for..? :)
