Any ideas on why this is hollow sounding? Mainly the guitars.


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
Maybe this is a better spot for this thread.

So ive gotten a 5150, and been recording lately and havent been able to get this hollow sound out of my mixes.

This clip is single mic'ed with an SM7. Ive tried a SM57 and i get the same results. The guitars are quad tracked.....each one a dfferent take. How am i getting a phasey sound when its single mic'ed and each one are different takes. The SM7 is on axsis, right on the edge of the cone....on the grill.

I know there are a ton of mids on this clip. But it sounds even more hollow with out the mids IMO.

Any help or ideas why it sounds the way it does would help alot! Could it be the amp? Could it be the preamp im using? (podX3 mic pre) The amp doesnt sound like this at sounds huge!


Heres one without the mids so high.....still alittle hollow. This is the SM57
this is totally unrelated to your question, but the timing of the riffs are slightly out of sync with the drums and it really bugs me. i'm not sure if it's your playing or a computer latency issue but i just though you should know.

anyways back your question, what kind of cab are you using to mic up the guitars? not all cabs sound good recorded as they do in the room, just ask metaltastic! second, i'm not a podx3 owner, but i would assume that it was not designed to be a good dedicated mic preamp they way you are trying to use it. i would invest in a small computer interface with dedicated mic preamps that you can plug the sm57 into. but before you spend any money on anything, see if you can find a friend with a different cabinet or a decent recording interface to help troubleshoot the problem. if it's not the pod it's the cab and vice versa, but i would bet it's the pod that is the issue.
Hmm, yeah, I definitely hear that hollowness, sounds like there's some serious phasing going on; actually, back when I had a 5150 combo, I remember I tried recording it with it sitting on the ground, and the mic stand in front of it also on the ground - bad idea! The vibrations from the amp were traveling through the floor, up the stand, and into the mic, which were of course coming at a delay from the direct sound, so hello comb-filtering! (AKA cancellation, if you don't know). Try elevating the amp off the floor (I used a coffee table) and see if it helps, and also try to get the amp and cab as far away from walls on all sides as possible! Also, hard to tell since you're playing two different riffs and have different settings, but I think I prefer the 57, and it's THE standard guitar recording mic, so try to work with it at least for awhile!

And OH MY GOD is that second riff a blatant ripoff of Rose of Sharyn, jesus christ :lol:
Hmm, yeah, I definitely hear that hollowness, sounds like there's some serious phasing going on; actually, back when I had a 5150 combo, I remember I tried recording it with it sitting on the ground, and the mic stand in front of it also on the ground - bad idea! The vibrations from the amp were traveling through the floor, up the stand, and into the mic, which were of course coming at a delay from the direct sound, so hello comb-filtering! (AKA cancellation, if you don't know). Try elevating the amp off the floor (I used a coffee table) and see if it helps, and also try to get the amp and cab as far away from walls on all sides as possible! Also, hard to tell since you're playing two different riffs and have different settings, but I think I prefer the 57, and it's THE standard guitar recording mic, so try to work with it at least for awhile!

And OH MY GOD is that second riff a blatant ripoff of Rose of Sharyn, jesus christ :lol:

Well the amp is on wheels....but i guess you mean up higher then that. I will give it a try. About that second riff....Rose of Sharyn? Really? I dont hear it at all.
Yeah man, in that second clip, when the second riff comes in, it's totally like the "Rose" verse ("now, I'm broken, here I stand alone"), and then the next part has like the exact progression of the riffs under the "what would I give (what would I give) to behold" part - IMO anyway! And yeah, it really sounds like there's some phasing going on after what's coming out of the amp, so yeah, investigate elevating it more and moving it in the room I guess!