My Melodic Death/blablabla Metal band


Mar 11, 2008
Hello all.

This is my first post so i'm hoping this one is not too useless :loco:
Last September I got in the studio with my band Mirdyn, recorded a demo, mixed it and released it.
I wasn't satisfied with the mix so I started remixing it, however the demo is already released. This how I think it should sound anyway :)

Gear used : Tama Starclassic Performer Drums, Zildjian Cymbals, Randall Amps, Ibanez Guitars, Hartke Amps and a BC Rich Bass.

Kick Blend of a Shure Beta 52 and Drumagog.
Snare Fully replaced with Drumagog (except the beginning, all I saw that it was a Sennheiser mic :zombie: model I don't know)
Toms Sennheiser MD421 and processed with Waves SSLChannel
OH Cheapo Superlux Condensors, again processed with Waves SSL.
Guitar Dual tracked with a crappy Behringer (yeah , smack me!) DI and processed with Revalver MK2 (the demo, you might hear some noise) and used a Sennheiser MD421 in front of a Randall Combo
Bass Also tracked with the same DI which brand i'm not gonna name, processed thru Ampeg SVT and placed a MD421 for the the cabinet, which was from Hartke.

Hope you enjoy :) :headbang:
It sounds like I listening through my laptop speakers, but I'm not.

Bring up the bass, maybe add some low mids to the guitars.

Nice song!