my mini maiden


Jul 21, 2003
Sin City
heres my mini maiden (she's 8)

props to sara for the shirt!

practice, practice, practice

maybe she can try out for the maidens one day!

Rock On

thanks for all the kind words

Im lucky to have her

she really loves music, she's pretty lucky too, been to more concerts than I ever did at that age, heck she even got to goto Namm with my wife (I had to work ...bummer)

got her the mini drum kit first, but she likes the guitar (better at it too)

she is into evanescence right now -go figure

I numbered her frets for her ....and she downloads some tabs

(violin is cool)
cant wait for next all ages show....
Doodoobubbachuck said:
She looks so comfortable with that guitar already! Wish I started that young!
Actually Linda, the road crew wishes you started with harmonica and stayed with that! :D

Downshifter, if your kid's into Evanescence, try introducing her to Lacuna Coil. Then, she'll know where it is that Evanescence got their sound and Cristina Scabbia is a much better singer live than what's her face in Evanescence.
smylex said:
Actually Linda, the road crew wishes you started with harmonica and stayed with that! :D
Ya know, I am getting quite rusty with Tap the Smylex in your absence. When did you say you were coming back? I did get some practice in on one of the stage hands in Vegas tho when a mike fell off my second tom. hehe.
Bruce Chickinson said:
We had mucho mic probs at that gig....they kept taking mine away...what a pisser....they took my wired mic and gave me the wireless that was OFF....
If you're talking about the Vegas gig, it was probably GD doing it to sabotage the set. Of course, this is merely opinion...I could be WAY off on this and I probably am. :D Perhaps you should have beated them with it!
As to my return to working for ya (no Tap the smylex!), that will be when the next Maidens gig occurs in California, October 4th. I've dropped the Saturday class, though I am still faced with 16 hours of homework a week.:ill: Of course, I'll be seeing you on the 3rd of October, but that night there shall be no tapping of the smylex since he'll be performing and REALLY not in the mood.