My Mix Feedback, and introduction:)

Dec 3, 2011
Hey guys, my name is Tim. I am a 15 year old producer from Australia. I first came to this forum, in search of tips, advice and to improve my mixing/mastering/editing skills. I must say, this has to be the best forum I've been on, the community is great. :wave: I've been reading here quite a bit and had an account but have not yet, posted or started a thread. Now I feel it's time to see what I've learned, and see how you're ears can help me point out my flaws (too many:p) and how to improve them. :popcorn:
I am never going to become a tone stealing leech who thinks the way to be the best producer is stealing presets and patches...

Anyways enough of that,
Here I have a mix of a song I wrote, and recorded yesterday. When I first went into buying plugins and all....I had never heard of pod. I bought amplitube 3...unfortunately, the forum has given such praise and advice for pod. So my tone isn't great but I tried:loco: Its a, post-hardcore/rock/poppunk(almost) sort of track without screaming because I wonder what the public (who despise screaming) would think of the smae sort of music, with full vocals. Please give as much feedback as you can and I would love to be able to mix/master for other people and charge a little for my time and labour.

Btw, please mind the ending, I forgot to fade :p


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Ohh sorry about that, how do I move the thread to the "rate my mix" one?
I've been recording for about a year now.

And I'll just run through my whole process so I answer all the questions:p
My mic is AKG Perception 120, used for vocals. The piano/synth is programmed and then run through (seperately) EQ > SSL Compressor (Waves). My drums are programmed through EZdrummer, then replaced by drumagog using samples I've found off this forum. The kick is behindert mixed with a sneap kick. Snare is a mix of one of those joey style kicks posted here, a Jonas snare (It had a great click/crack to it and very little, fatness compensated by the sturgis style one) and a Fat snare posted on this forum somewhere. All of these were seperately EQ > compressor > Transient Designer then mixed together to taste, then i put it in my mix, to add a final EQ > limiter to it. Toms were EQ > Compress > Limiter on top of the normal EZ Drummer toms. Bass was programmed by trilogy, and used an EQ > CLA Bass > Limiter (to keep it, undercontrol and not loud then soft). Vocals were recorded, run through light Compressor on input then the chain was CLA Vocals > EQ > Limiter. Guitars were recorded and amped up in amplitube (when I get some money, hopefully from recording, I will get Pod, and study the ^*%# out of it). Then my chain was EQ > Compress > EQ (to check if there are any, bad frequencies after the compressor so it can be fixed on the other EQ, this 2nd EQ is later taken off before bounce).

Thats pretty much it, please feel free to give as much feedback, sorry for the wrong thread!


- guitars could use a bit more saturation
- the vocals are a bit too out of tune, dry and loud
- drums are a bit robotic
- bass could be just a hair louder

otherwise pretty listenable. So just give vocals a splash of autotune (optional), reverb and delay, add some more gain to the guitars and humanize the velocities and timing on the drums just a bit and increase the volume of the bass just a hair and it should be better.
thanks! I've never been a fan of autotune, but if it makes my mix better, then it shall be done. Dad got me Slates as early christmas!! multisamples would mean less robotic feel (as that mix was one sample per drum piece). Ill push up the bass a bit and pull down the vocals and add some delay. Thankyou so much for your input!! Very much Apreciated!