My mixes are sounding a little flat/dull. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


New Metal Member
Jan 29, 2011
Hi guys. Aspiring bedroom producer here. I've been trying my best to leave the bedroom black metal sound and start doing some real sounding stuff but can't quite get a grip on it. My mixes sound "coated" and dirty IMO and I can't seem to give it a growl and the "wall of sound" I am looking for. Here's a sample track:

I'm using the lepou legion plugin with one of the jj powertube impulses for guitars. Drums are superior drummer.

Any pointers? Thanks guys :)

PS: I know the cymbals are inaudible! :p
Vocals seem way too quiet as well, at least for my tastes. I'd recommend the free plugins Dominion (tweak the preset Mono Meat Machine to taste) and Gclip on your snare to give it a bit more crack. It's just not nearly as bright as it needs to be. I really like the guitars though, especially considering it's an amp sim.
Seeing as it's kind of black metal I would just send the rythm guitars to a reverb. Maybe make the vocals a tad bit louder and I think the kick is kind of too mechanical. It's black metal so the drums are supposed to be low, I like that. Also there's some fizzyness in the guitars, try to find where it is and remove it with an EQ.

All in all I think it sounds pretty good already. But I'm listening from on macbook speakers in my living room so I don't really hear any details.