My music has been stolen, WTF do I do?


Feb 25, 2010
Quebec, Can
Well yeah, I was at this fucker's house last months to try and record an EP. I know the guy for a long time, since I was a teen (we played music together).
So yeah, basically I was to give him a bunch of gear for the job, and he was more than happy about the deal.
Finally, the guy got a couple of contracts right in the middle of our sessions, he was fucking around on MSN and on Skype with his girl all the time, so I decided to cancel the project. We were about 10% over through the project, if not less (the drums were not even half finished) and I decided to cancel.

I had brought over the gear I was going to give him on the 1st day of tracking as wanted to use it on the EP. So when I cancelled, I insisted I got back at least my programmable Bass Driver and he could keep the rest of the gear I considered a deposit.

So a couple days later I recieve 2-3 emails of him saying like "Fuck this bullshit, I'll send you back your gear and I'll charge you regular rate" which, says him, is worth roughly 500$

So, as this is, in my opinion, purely ridicule, I just ignored it.

But today, I woke up, checked my emails, and there was a weird one that didn't quite looked like spam, so I opened it.
And BOUM! all my preprod I brought over to his house are now on Youtube, released without my consent obviously.

So this is the Channel in question

And the fucker even goes and put a fucking DI tracks up there...

So, do I go and break his legs even tho the guy carries a knife on him 24/7 and that his father is the highest-ranking police officer of the Province of Quebec, or do I suppress my rage and do something more legit about it?

Seriously, it pisses me off that the guy goes out and puts unfinished track on the internet, goddamn...

Also, for the guys from Quebec, the guy's "studio" goes by the name
and if you want the guy's name, just hit me on PM.

So....what'd you do?

EDIT: I'm not on Facebook, but I know I'm an alien, so for those of you interested in whom NOT to work with. This is his studio's page
as you say, you know this guy for a very long guy, cant you just talk with him in a normal way? what has happend that this situation got so much out of order.. have you told him that the reason why you canceled was that he was not into recording, but chatting with his gf over skype?..
I would just go to him personally, and talk about the situation.
well, you can always sue him.
I thought about it, but the guy has obviously no case, so I'm afraid it'd only feed his psychosis, plus I'm not really sure what I can get from suing him? Money? Sweet vengence? Not worth it... I still rather beat the shit out of him, lol

Your music and Riff's are not even good enough to worry about....This guy isn't goona do nothing with your tracks....So don't worry about.......If you were the next break out think then i would worry about.....but i think you and your music is safe

Fucking asshole

as you say, you know this guy for a very long guy, cant you just talk with him in a normal way?

Doesn't mean I care a shit about him
What a dickhead... send him a formal letter (like a legal letter, dunno the name for it in engish) asking for your stuff and removing your material from youtube (warn youtube previously), then you can sue him :)
Sue him for what? Spreading your uncopyrighted music out to the rest of the world, and not charging you for it? I don't think you're going to have much of a case.

I think you don't exactly have to "copyright" something, don't you get the rights when you create something? You would have to prove you have done so, but nevertheless.
Sue him for what? Spreading your uncopyrighted music out to the rest of the world, and not charging you for it? I don't think you're going to have much of a case.
who says my music is not copyrighted? I guess you don't know shit about what you're talking about, buddy. I am a member of the SOCAN, which is kind of the musician's union in Canada, and recognized as a working musician, so I guess I have to file a copyright form every single day I lay down a new riff on tape? No offense, but go fuck yourself.
Maybe you have some rough DIs of your next hit for me? I'd love to spread the love for you and save you some trouble
The good side is that the videos probably won't even get more than 50 views each. Here are a few suggestions.

First of all take evidence of everything that happened, just in case.

Talk to him about the situation, tell him about your thoughts without accusing him of anything. Tell him you want to resolve the issue in the best possible way for both sides. By saying this people usually understand that you don't want to cause any harm and are a lot easier to deal with. If he agrees, find a proper solution for both of you, if not don't threaten him but let him know that you will consider taking legal action. At this point he might start thinking and refer back to option #1 which is a lot less hassle for both of you. If not, remind him that you will take legal action if you can't agree on something. If there's still no solution you could ask a lawyer to send him a letter trying to scare him finding an agreement. You know the letters with the big scary exclamation mark and the professional lawyer logo on top of it.

The key here is to be calm so you can try solving the situation. I think this should be very easy. After all he tried to get you to do what he wants by uploading your material, which means he has nothing against you. You could also write to YouTube by the way. They might just delete the account.

By the way the di tracks are clipping.

Good luck!
Your music and Riff's are not even good enough to worry about....This guy isn't goona do nothing with your tracks....So don't worry about.......If you were the next break out think then i would worry about.....but i think you and your music is safe

^ shes right

DI metalcore riffs.. no drums,bass or vocals. :confused:
lol, have you ever heard what an EP sounds like 10% into the project, with NO definitive tracks laid down yet?
Care to share some of your tracks with me? I'd love to hear some of your stuff

Ok, as there are obviously assholes everywhere on earth that will go any length do be assholes, treat yourselves with the demos of the songs I've been raped of. Thanks to those who have directed me to useful resources, I've filed a YT report and work on filling one at the Office for Intellectual Property.

Free riffs for everyone, as it seems that the internet is living in a fucking lawless Far West times Cypher - demo.mp3 Death-Machine - démo.mp3
Looks to me the guy is pissed off at YOU for some reason. Sort it out with him, don't come here whining looking for sympathy - it wont be anything except a waste of time.

You don't say something like this:

Blast attack is Givin' their music ideas. If you want it, take it ! We Enjoy Bananas diped in poop and mixed up with vomit. Beards on chest !

Unless you want to take the piss. You'd only want to take the piss in this situation if you felt slighted somehow.
You dont even have to speak to him just report it to youtube like every other band does. Your the owner of the music and its an ilegal upload end of !
who says my music is not copyrighted? I guess you don't know shit about what you're talking about, buddy. I am a member of the SOCAN, which is kind of the musician's union in Canada, and recognized as a working musician, so I guess I have to file a copyright form every single day I lay down a new riff on tape? No offense, but go fuck yourself.
Maybe you have some rough DIs of your next hit for me? I'd love to spread the love for you and save you some trouble

wow you come on here and ask for opinions then act like a tard towards people who reply to your request. no wonder this guy did what he did to you. you probably present yourself in real life as unprofessional as you have done here. not that what he did is acceptable either. what exactly has this done to you and your career by posting it on youtube. nothing. just leave it be. go record your song over somewhere else and put it out as nothing has happened. Youre not famous. its not hindering you monitarily or violating any mechanical royalties or such. its just some songs. its not like you wrote a bunch of hit pop songs that could have brought you millions. just let it go. chalk it up to experience. start doing business as a profession. contracts all the time. pay in cash not trade. conduct yourself professionally at all times. treat people with respect.
^ shes right

DI metalcore riffs.. no drums,bass or vocals. :confused:

She?!?!? last time i checked i had a dick and balls......

But yeh your on no level to be worry about people stealing your music....

Sounds like you fucked him over with the crap equipment you tried to give him instead of paying him and thats why he posted it.....maybe im wrong