
Jul 26, 2006
I think my drumagog is miss trigering beacause im using the trial one but im not shure has any one had teh same problem what gear would i need to get a killswitch engage sound and bullet for my valentine sound on drums i have a imac intel duo m-audio 1814 and a berhinger eurorackub2442fx pro and shure beta 52 for the kick and some shure 57's snare and toms or do i buy ddrum pro triggers and go to pres threw then sample everything after that .thax so much really need help to lear up some probs..
If it is missing triggers, it could be an idea to compress and gate accordingly. If it starts triggering other drums (bleeding), chop them out of the file. A more long-winded method would be to use Drumagog to make a MIDI track, and edit away there. Your best bet is to compress everything, and then cut away what you don't need (if you have to).

Drumagog Pro also features an advanced version which is more accurate at triggering, just play with the knobs a bit and you should be fine.
if your doing really fast stuff around 220-240 16th notes and having that problem then its just something that happens, ive tried everything and the only thing i can do it nudge the samples over by myself no matter how much gating compressing i do even when i have very seperated tracks i still get the problem sometimes. its usually pretty good on slower stuff though its just the blasts and double bass where it freaks out for me.
heavenshell said:
I think my drumagog is miss trigering beacause im using the trial one but im not shure has any one had teh same problem what gear would i need to get a killswitch engage sound and bullet for my valentine sound on drums i have a imac intel duo m-audio 1814 and a berhinger eurorackub2442fx pro and shure beta 52 for the kick and some shure 57's snare and toms or do i buy ddrum pro triggers and go to pres threw then sample everything after that .thax so much really need help to lear up some probs..

Not to be a dick, but it's a bit easier to read if you use some punctuation.
Funky Animal said:
put up the sensitivity...
it takes more cpu but it will not miss trigger...well...for me it doesn't then..

yea even doing this i get problems, not exactly mistriggering its just not tight with the original once in a while there will be a hit thats off beat from the source.
Well, I think he's using a waveform to trigger through Drumagog, in which case we all know how sporadic and inconsistent waveforms can be for triggering. When we use actual triggers on the drums, DDrum Pro series, we have zero problems getting everything to trigger perfectly, this includes snare, kick, and all toms.

I actually had an easier time using a miked snare track for drumagog vs. using a snare trigger. Toms were easier with triggers, and bass drum was only trigger, no mikes.

It's funny to hear the problems about Drumagog. I've yet to really have any. I always use advanced triggering mode and up the sensitivity a bit, and that's about all I have to do and it's spot on.