To achieve Killswitch Engage Drums


Jul 26, 2006
Hey guys im just wondering if u could help me out with something. im using berhinger mixer eurorack ub2442 fx pro as pres for my ddrum pro triggers and im recording the blips on sepreate tracks kick and snare then throwing samples on them from drumagog but i want a more profesional result any buddy no away that i can do to achive there sound or any liek metal core drum sound as i lay dying.... thax alot..

I believe the Killswitch drums used the Fat City snare sample from the Alesis D4 and toms from the DM-5. Some of the processing probably came from the Metric Halo Channel Strip and maybe some Crane Song tape emulation.
This is the best thing I've found to get that kind of sound:

heavenshell said:
im using berhinger mixer eurorack ub2442 fx pro

Mistake #1 - Behringer. Use anything besides Behringer, it doesn't matter what specifically we're talking about, that company makes nothing but garbage.

heavenshell said:
as pres for my ddrum pro triggers and im recording the blips on sepreate tracks kick and snare then throwing samples on them from drumagog but i want a more profesional result any buddy no away that i can do to achive there sound or any liek metal core drum sound as i lay dying.... thax alot

DDrum triggers and Drumagog should get you where you need to be (they're good enough for Andy!) Perhaps you need some better samples. What DAW software are you using? What sample libraries are you using? Care to post a clip?