My music has been stolen, WTF do I do?

Don't know how your country deals about these things but here, to prove you're the owner of your own music, you have to register the scores etc to SIAE (Italian RIAA). This way you can prove you are the composer and owner of the songs.
If someone steal a preproduction riff (I suppose it's your case) how can you prove you are the owner?
wow you come on here and ask for opinions then act like a tard towards people who reply to your request. no wonder this guy did what he did to you. you probably present yourself in real life as unprofessional as you have done here. not that what he did is acceptable either. what exactly has this done to you and your career by posting it on youtube. nothing. just leave it be. go record your song over somewhere else and put it out as nothing has happened. Youre not famous. its not hindering you monitarily or violating any mechanical royalties or such. its just some songs. its not like you wrote a bunch of hit pop songs that could have brought you millions. just let it go. chalk it up to experience. start doing business as a profession. contracts all the time. pay in cash not trade. conduct yourself professionally at all times. treat people with respect.

be more careful who you work with in the future and only work with trusted engineers/studios, who are into what you are doing and gonna get the best out of you and your songs.

I'm not trying to pull you down or be a dick but in all honesty I wouldn't give those tracks a 2nd listen.

I have never understood why unknown artist's become so protective over their music, if no one knows who you are surely you would put your music out for free to get it out to as many people as possible?

We make music because its what we love doing, not to get rich!
If you expect to make your millions from metal then you really need to have a bit of a reality check. We do this because we love it!
Looks to me the guy is pissed off at YOU for some reason.
Probably because the other guy expects legal tender as a form of exchange for his services, but SimonTaddio_Qc decided to offer him equipment "he considered a deposit" as a form of barter (would've worked perfectly in the 19th century). The whole thing sounds like two playground kids discussing over candy. Just talk to the guy and get to an arrangement, which, by the way, should have been set since day 1.

Concerning the YT stuff, don't worry. Not a lot of people gives a crap about random DI's that are impossible to find through a Youtube search due to the fact that the videos' titles are not specific enough. When I read "my music has been stolen" I immediately thought of what happened to Ola Englund... If he wanted to steal/give away your ideas, he would suggest some of them to his clients if your stuff happens to fit the clients' compositions. Well, actually, maybe he is already doing so.

About the copyright, I don't know how it works in Canada, but I doubt that any random shit that comes across your mind is automatically registered to you and only you just for being a member of the SOCAN. It sounds a little fantastic, honestly. But if you are sure about that, then you should report this case to whom it may concern.

And by the way, thanks for never getting back to me and my partner for the logos we did for your band. Even though we didn't agree on anything, we expected at least some sort of "thanks for working 3 weeks with us trying to comprehend our unclear, unspecific ideas. Unfortunately we decided not to use your logo proposals". I am going to assume you are a honest Canadian and won't be using our ideas for your future logo, as you wouldn't want someone stealing your work. Either way, such logos are registered (for real).

If I were you, I would consider learning how to work with people, because clearly you don't. Best of luck with your problem.
And by the way, thanks for never getting back to me and my partner for the logos we did for your band. Even though we didn't agree on anything, we expected at least some sort of "thanks for working 3 weeks with us trying to comprehend our unclear, unspecific ideas. Unfortunately we decided not to use your logo proposals".

If I were you, I would consider learning how to work with people, because clearly you don't. Best of luck with your problem.

:popcorn: noice :tickled:
who says my music is not copyrighted? I guess you don't know shit about what you're talking about, buddy...No offense, but go fuck yourself.

Look, I know you're frusterated. But I'm helping you be practical and save you some time. It doesn't take a law degree to know that any judge will throw your lawsuit right out the window and laugh at you and make you even more frusterated. There is nothing legally tangible here.
You can cancel contracts out of nowhere in Canada? Cool, I'll move to canada, randomly cancel contracts and then badmouth my business partners because I AM AN COMPLETE ASSHOLE.
Isn't this guy a self proclaimed "guitar teacher", this is pretty lame if he actually is.