My Name is Earl...


Mar 18, 2002
Anybody watch the episode from this Thursday?

Earl was wearing a "Can I Play With Madness" t-shirt.

I thought it was pretty sweet.

That is all.
Someone behind the scenes as My Name Is Earl appears to be a metal fan, at least to some degree. Last season there was an episode where they played a good 90 seconds of Anthrax's "Got The Time".

Also, if you watch The Colbert Report, you'll notice that Stephen Colbert also appears to be something of a metal fan.
Sumeet said:
Someone behind the scenes as My Name Is Earl appears to be a metal fan, at least to some degree. Last season there was an episode where they played a good 90 seconds of Anthrax's "Got The Time".

Also, if you watch The Colbert Report, you'll notice that Stephen Colbert also appears to be something of a metal fan.

Any examples of something that shows Colbert's metallic nature? I haven't caught any myself.
Heh... Colbert likely isn't a die-hard underground prog-metal fan, and probably has not heard the latest Firewind disc, but I'll bet he rocked out to some classic metal in the 80's, or something. On one episode, he was talking about The National Review, a conservative political-oriented magazine, which had done a list of "The Top 50 Conservative Rock Songs Of All Time" (which included Iron Maiden's "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner", for some reason). The magazine was founded by a guy named William F Buckley, and at one point in the story, Colbert says "William F Buckley... I'm pretty sure Eddie from Iron Maiden is based on his face". He also covered a story on another episode about possible anthrax virus infections, and threw in something like "in related news, Anthrax still refuses to change their name" (with a picture of Anthrax on screen). Another time, he was talking about rock music or something, and started throwing the horns and doing a high-pitched-metal-vocalist-style shriek. I'm telling you... I'm sure the guy isn't actually following the scene or anything, but I'll bet you he still pulls out something like Holy Diver or The Number Of The Beast every now and then. :)
eppst1 said:
Anybody watch the episode from this Thursday?

Earl was wearing a "Can I Play With Madness" t-shirt.

I thought it was pretty sweet.

That is all.
I just saw that episode. That was pretty cool. Now we just have to get Jason Lee to wear less famous metal band t-shirts, to promote the scene. That show is supposed to take place in Cali, right? He needs to wear a Zero Hour t-shirt to support a local band! :headbang:
Unca Kev said:
I just saw that episode. That was pretty cool. Now we just have to get Jason Lee to wear less famous metal band t-shirts, to promote the scene. That show is supposed to take place in Cali, right? He needs to wear a Zero Hour t-shirt to support a local band! :headbang:

On Home Improvement, Taran Smith used to wear Sentenced shirts.
booB said:
On Home Improvement, Taran Smith used to wear Sentenced shirts.

That's nothing. On The Cosby Show, Rudy Huxtable used to wear Morbid Angel shirts! Now THAT was hardcore! :headbang: :devil:
I think Maiden shirts are seen the most in t.v and movies..Remeber the Mark Harmon movie SUMMER SCHOOL, the kid that was into horror movies had a Maiden shirt on. There has been a couple of other movies too.
mloanna said:
She did??

Yes. It was in the episode where Theo goes to a metal concert and nearly gets trampled to death, and all the kids learn a valuable lesson about moshing. :heh: :heh:
Sumeet said:
That's nothing. On The Cosby Show, Rudy Huxtable used to wear Morbid Angel shirts! Now THAT was hardcore! :headbang: :devil:
Sumeet said:
Yes. It was in the episode where Theo goes to a metal concert and nearly gets trampled to death, and all the kids learn a valuable lesson about moshing. :heh: :heh:
D00d! That's some of the funniest, creative bullshit that I read on here! :lol: :kickass: :headbang: