My Need To Apologize


Feb 27, 2008
Last week i was searching the forums,just checking out what's going on and came across a thread that had something about, not needing good gear etc to get results(in a nutshell).

Stress at home - and still no samples from Ryan :fu:

Don't know what got into me :dopey: but i decided to make an ass of myself and write a bunch of shit that didn't even make sense to myself.

It wasn't intended to be negative but it turned out that way.

So to those thousand odd viewers and to a couple of forum members who clearly had no clue, what i was saying my deepesat apologies go out to you....and may i also add a thanks.

For helping me realize what a tool i was being.
That's cool that you don't get what im saying...i appreciate that i don't make a good writer...but essentially i was trying to point out that,you start off not knowing apply keep applying yourself, creating a path for yourself in order to become knowledgable and skilled at what you do.

From my own personal experience this takes years and then some.

Yes we all do have to start somewhere...and yes this forum is part of the knowledge exchange, that perhaps is not available to some people as i guess it was to me,through the teachers,mentors and musician friends i have associated with.

I'm here and learning everyday....but having said that i have also committed 20 odd years developing my ears and becoming as skilled a musician as "I" can be.

It becomes frustrating to hear, that you don't need good gear to make good sounding music, because to me that implies that mediocracy cut's it when it clearly doesn't.

Hence my comments about knowing what to teach and my frustration at the request of Ryans sample's.
Simply because i think all these samples and vst'i have taken away from the music.

Sure they can enhance thing's and allowe other's that don't have the ability to otherwise work on music,do so, but i think you need to shut your mouth and learn before you flap your gum stating otherwise.

It's abit like my 8yr old who thinks he knows everything...and when push comes to shove.....he don't know shit.

He's scared of the dark for farks sake.

So this is where i was comming from....i know my writing isn't the best 166 post's and working on it.....but my apologies go out and let's move on to discussing music and music making ideas.

*i should also point out that i have absolutely no desire or undesire from Ryan to post his samples*

He's been on this forum longer than I and he's a free thinker.
The way I see it is you dont neccessarily need good gear but it sure helps. Time, patience & all that jazz...along with people skills if you're gonna do it at any level above hobbyist. I'm finding it tough to get above a certain level with what gear I have, I suppose that's a good indicator that I need to upgrade. Everyone and their granny gets frustrated at some point, it's human nature. The older I get the more frustrated I get hehe.