My new Italian name, a hell of a show and pics!


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Firstly, link: at Jaxx 2-18-06 -02.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=S

I like this name! :D

Overkill at JAXX on Saturday, What a GREAT way to spend your weekend!
I don't know how many of you seen them live, but this band is easily in my
top 3 best live performance I've ever seen in my LIFE.
Booby is just one of the best front man in the metal world- FACT.
The show was AWESOME!
The setlist includes (not in this order: Necroshine, Thanks for Nothin', I hate you, Old School, Thunderhead, Overkill, rotten to the core, Hello from the gutter, and so on, and so on...)
I had a BLAST!!!!!
I stood in the front line the entire show, I wasn't in "picture" mood like I normally am, and then I just stand in the side and enjoy it while taking pics
but this time, I had my friends there, and we just stood at the front and screamed all the lyrics and had fun.
(I came home at..... 6:30am.... that alone should tell you how much fun I had :) )

I met my dear Cara and Derick of course!
Sorry I disappeared after the show! I wanted to say goodbye, and we just stayed ...
It was good seeing you guys though... I sure missed you :)


Wierd french fries we all shared that had pizza spices on them and each piece tasted different.......... o_O


Those two are so cute!


This picture was supposed to be a joke of the ultimate "metal fan" who always takes picture looking tough,
but I can never look tough :tickled:


Da Big E. The man behind the tour and Overkill ;)


The wreckning crew


PRONG were great too!!!!


great pics, karen!! we actually left before overkill came on :erk:

haha i look like i have a bad tooth in that one pic. i had a french fry in my mouth :p