my new letter to King Diamond


Nov 9, 2001
Dear King Diamond,

I just got back from Fort Worth. My band was playing a gig. I'm sure you knew about it because i wrote you to tell you but two months ago. The band name is easy for you to remember because it has the same initals as King Diamond. I was extremely disappointed to NOT see your kindly mustachioed face in the audience. I thought you might be sitting at the bar, but by the time the end of our last song rolled around, I had accepted the truth. Believe me when I say I poured every fluid ounce of regret and despair into those closing notes. You bastard. I almost took a trip up to your place to see if you were bedridden and to wish you well, but my bandmates thought it'd be a bad idea. Look, there's no hard feelings I guess, but you know I would have come to one of YOUR shows in my town.

Was a fan,

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