My new Pearl Double Bass kit finally arrived :)


New Metal Member
Jun 19, 2002
Sunnyvale, CA
After an eternal three month wait my Marine Blue Fade Pearl SRX Drums finally arrived. This is my first non Tama and non Black kit so quite a change for me. My digicam is not the greatest so it can't do justice to the actual color. The maple shells are so much better than the basswood/mahogoney ones on my old Rockstar kit.




I also made a movie file playing Silent Scream by Slayer on the new kit. The volume is a bit much for a mere logitech webcam and it's software to handle but everything is audible more or less. The compression is in mpeg4 codec of some sort so Windows Media Player might have a black screen if the codec is not found.
Thank you. I'm almost afraid to gig with them but I did get Tuxedo Bags for everything. The sizes are (2) 16"x20" kick drums, 7"x8" 8"x10" 9"x12" rack toms, 14"x14" floor. The snare is still my old Tama Stewart Copeland signature. Once the holidays are done I'll start saving up for the Craviotto (or Dunett Titanium).
In this case it is Marine Blue Fade. I love those fades!!! Blue is my favorite color too! When I was getting my new kit I originally thought I was going to get a blue shade of some sort but ended up going quite the opposite direction.

Don't be afraid to play out with em. People will be admiring those beauties under those stage lights! Mmmm, mmmm!
Craviotto and brass snares = Yummy!

Hi Dave!
Just heard the audio file, you hella shred! Man I remember the ass kickin I got at Paladino's as I videotaped the gig and sat right in fronta Brucie, the stage vibtrated so hard from your percussive expertise my ass was sore all weekend long!