My new production-> Inbred 3rd album "The Tomb", first song released!

Hey Alex, pretty good stuff, I like it. Demoledor! I think drums are a bit too upfront but I actually see that as a good thing in this case, specially if they sound as good as these. Not really related, but Disgorge´s Consume the Forsaken is one of my favorite Brutal Death productions and the drums are pretty upfront on it.
Thanks mates! Guitars are 5150/MESA/OD808 with 2xAudix i5 in Fredman + 1 MD421 on other speaker. Bass is mainly DI + Distorted Mic (i5) thru Sansamp BD
Yep, I feel drums are upfront too, maybe I will remix & remaster lowering down a bit and rising the guitars a bit. But Overall sounds good I think, fighting really hard to get that RMS without killing my work....that fucking stile is shit, if you take Bring me the Horizont as´re gonna have a hard time trying to achieve that without artifacts such as distortion, and so...
Anyway I highly appreciate your comments!