My New studio Open for business


Jun 20, 2007
Hi guys,

So i've posted long time ago that i was about to build my own small professionall studio. Well its now completed, and im up n' running :headbang:

You can check out my website at:

Its somewhat under construction, im gonna have a player in the top image etc, but you can still find samples of my recordings at --->media

Its going great and a Crane Song spider with additional Mytek converter is on the way :). Hopefully i will post some recordings etc, and pay back some of the things ive learned here over the past years.

I will offer really good prices so dont hesitate to give me a call or mail about bookings , mixing etc :)

Wish me good luck :)

// Christian SWE
two things...

under your logo you have the slogan: "experience makes difference"

it's very poor english, and reads very badly... it should be "experience makes the difference".

second, I'd leave off the following text altogether if i were you:

"Although i mainly operate in the rock/metal genre I would not hesitate stepping out my comfort zone and recod, mix whatever genre my clients hire me to do."

otherwise, nice site.
two things...

under your logo you have the slogan: "experience makes difference"

it's very poor english, and reads very badly... it should be "experience makes the difference".

second, I'd leave off the following text altogether if i were you:

"Although i mainly operate in the rock/metal genre I would not hesitate stepping out my comfort zone and recod, mix whatever genre my clients hire me to do."

otherwise, nice site.

So in times of these bad financial situation you give us tips to save on our hats and even bother to help out test reading a website, and none of us here is even a hot chick. It seems you have a heart James, a golden one.

crillemannen, your studio looks really nice. Put up some samples when you have finished something! I'm really interested to hear this.

p.s. Equipment > Steen Slate...
FWIW, it's really hard to use/read the otherwise nice site when your using a small screen because of the static header. As you can see on this screenshot that I just took on my netbook, you only have this tiny area that is actually scrollable:


But otherwise: nice site and nice place! Congrats for making your dream come true! :)
I'd bet maybe 5% of anybody that visits his site will be using a netbook to do so, it looks fine on even 17" LCDs which is a fair average most users would have.
Yeah yeah, I just wanted to mention it. Not saying that it's a major fault or anything, but it's the kind of thing you just want to be aware of if you're running a website. After all, these things have become so popular in the last two years that I've seen plenty sites who changed their code/design accordingly... Just a FWIW.
Also, aside from the previously mentioned spelling error in this description:

"Here at Studio Haga we can offer you class a recordings in a nice and suitable environment. The studio consists of a control room 12m2 and a Live room 12m2 and is designed by Claes Ohlsson. Both rooms are "practicly perfect" in terms of sound response."

I'd also change class a to Class A or even "Class A".
crillemannen: I sent you a private message with grammatical and spelling corrections.
Thank you everyone for your response. I corrected the grammatical errors (thnk you 006). Will change the logo in a day or two. Not easy when english isnt your native tongue :)
And i've already spoke with a designer that will take care of that scrolling issue for small screens, so that will be fixed :)

Any feedback on the samples??
