My nipples hurt. :cry:

[damn you lasse and santtu!!!! *shakes fist weakly* will post photo's once I can upload them... and I have her majesties permission too of course =P and yes lasse, there was significant bruising this time]
that is all.
Hearse said:
hehe good :p
and dont post pics before i've approved them... there was few pretty terrible one... and I mean TERRIBLE :lol:
OK, which one of you smart alecs rolled my two nipple threads into one? Go on rahvy, put your hand up. :mad:

hey michelle.......


just to upset you. ,)
Hearse said:
hehe good :p
and dont post pics before i've approved them... there was few pretty terrible one... and I mean TERRIBLE :lol:
Oh sorry. What I meant to say was:

... and I have her majesties (and the princess' ;) ) permission too of course =P
there, better? :Smug:
*Jst cos rahvin doesn't like it* :heh:



*Rahvin get's PWND!!!*
that's quite ok in fact, it's not as if i don't like nipples as a general view on life. i don't particularly like 300 threads about nipples on the board. so this gets merged too, sorry. keep it lively and everyone will get the message anyway. :)
rahvin said:
it's michele the name you misspelled, you silly! :lol:

and yeah: nipples nipples nipples. i have some too. i'll show you in helsinki.
But they aren't all bruised like mine are now. :heh:

here, let me show you michellin. *lifts shirt*

*watches as everyone cringes in unison* :erk: