my official website has launched - new mp3s

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I know I have some fans here from my old site. Just wanted to tell everyone that my new site is up at with two completely new songs for download from my upcoming album (which should be done by late august). They are the only two instrumental tracks, the rest will be vocal songs. Special thanks to the SymX forum's own SilentRealm for doing an incredible web design job :D

Hope you all dig it!
Nice site, very impressed. Those Mp3's will be going my radio show playlist. When it comes back - should be back up this week. hell tonight maybe. besure to listen to my mindless garbage!! [/SelfPromo]
I didn't even listen to your songs, I couldn't stop staring at those pictures in the gallery just because you're so fuckin' hot ;).

But seriously,'re insane. VERY NICE. I like the Phrygian stylings in The Final Vision. Keep it up man, and thanks for the advice you gave me on picking a little while ago. Metal.

real frkn' sweet man, keep it up ... those sound like MIDI drums or sum'm, and they're really done well. if your ever lookin to get some actual drums on there, ... :cool:, anyway, frkn awesome songs man, and cool pictures. i'll definately check out your cd once it's out. it sounds great. :worship: :headbang:
nice stuff, Matt. I can definitely hear the Romeo influence... and that's a REAL good thing. :headbang:

can't wait to hear the stuff with vox... speaking of vox, if you need some scratch tracks or even more, i might be up for a little long-distance collaborating.
Awesome website awesome music man,keep up the goodwork.
ıt seems to me that esp is your main guitar while you just use the strat as a back up.just curious
look matt... even the angry metal monkey digs your stuff :D
