my official website has launched - new mp3s

Can do el capitano

You can hear Romeo there, yes... Great!
Album The Dark Chapter sounds quite a similar comparing with "the final vision".
Nice tapping there!
Very dark chapterish. This makes me like listening to it. Nice work!

... must practice... damn...
Taliwakker said:
Thats some good shit....the site is well done too.....i might have to hit SR up to do my bands site when we get our crap day...
Thanks for the feedback guys,

I'm open to doing new sites at any time, just get in touch with me as soon as you want it done and things can be arranged.

SpiritCrusherX said:
While we're on that, I never noticed how pretty Silent Realm is. She just slays my eyes, man.
Ah blushing over here, thankyou..although.. from the way you've been going ga-ga over Matts pics makes me wonder.. ;) (kidding of course)
The site is excellent. Others say its sexy. How to describe it? Sexcellent. But really, kickass site, man. I can't download anything for the moment because my computer is screwy, but I'll try again later. Berkeley is the school that I cannot afford/am not good enought to go to. That's awesome that you're there, studying! Isn't Steve Vai a professor there?
Silent, this might explain the gay (jokes) in this thread to you: :cool:

The guys who started it were power metal enthusiasts. Let's face it. Power metal=gay. Use this board for reference:
Just tell me how many times you see the word "gay" over there. Eh?

And it's not like it's just the fans. Tobias form Edguy thanked "Steel Penis" in one of the Edguy booklets, for god's sake!

Look at the older symbols as well: Kiske and Hansen. Tell me someone who sings like that is NOT gay. Deris and Hammerfall aren't quite straight as well, BTW.

(And let's just not talk about Manowar.)

Some dude over the Your Turn forum said Power Metal is generally music smurfs would sing along a campfire, when you take away the heaviness. I totally agree, I mean...

Dr Stein grows funny creatures,
lets them run into the night!
They become great rock musicians
and the time is right!


Ding by ding can you dig my dong
It may come short but it might come long
Limb by limb you're climbing up my tree
Making things more fun for me

...I mean how gay is that?
Yngvai X said:
Nigga, you bess not be hatin on ma Dr Stein! He be growin a funny creatizzle to buss a cap in yo ass! :D
@SilentRealm - See?:wave: Matt just confirmed Dr Stein is 100% GAY. It might be nice to say here I like you more than Yngvai X for sure. ;) You're both hot and really nice, your only advantage is you can't play more complex stuff than me on guitar.

@Yngvai X - I'll send da tr00:yell: worriah, Mr T0rture :headbang: after ya and we'll see h0w y0u'd keep YER' a$$ from biG hard 0bJects, my nigga!
Only a couple songs and you feel the need for your own website??



jk, you're an awesome guitarist, you've earned your website, sonny.