My old prog death/doom material in a tidy download.


New Metal Member
May 28, 2010
This is the type of thing people who matter usually do, so excuse the sudden lapse of egocentrism.

There's a 'read me' in the file explaining in a bit more detail what this collection is about and why I've decided to do it...

but in short, the majority of the tracks are from a solo recording project I used to do (did a full album of stuff 5 years ago and followed up with an EP length set of recordings a year later), with some of the tracks being demos (recorded in the same fashion) for my old band (Snow).

I lost alot of this stuff when my old computer died, but found them on a dusty cdr at my old house over the weekend. Collated the best stuff and reshuffled it into a really nice playlist.

If you like this sort of stuff and can excuse the obvious DIY effort, please enjoy and pass on to other people sharing your unfortunate disposition.