My Opeth Wallpaper

Jun 14, 2003
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Well i got bored today and made's my first one so yeah.......

Those are fantistic!!!!!!!! OMFG! I was wondering, and I know you all don't know me, but first off I am a HUGE fan of Opeth. I have all of their releases, own Bloodbath, and hmm... what am I missing? :lol Anyway, I work on a website and we would LOVE to be able to offer those to visitors - giving the artists credit of course. We interviewed Mikael a while ago and got some pics up of them. In fact, right now I have the first one for my background. I put the second one up too for a bit. I am going to change them up! :)

If either of you would allow me to offer them since we have a ton of Opeth fans on the site, I would of course host it on our server and everything! Please? Pretty please? :) I don't get to come here but rarely because of time constraints, but if you would allow me, please just email me at sefic(nospam) Remove the spam thing first though. :) Or just go to the site and you will find me. Those just made my freaking DAY! Nice work!!!! Excellent. :) :) :)
I am putting it up in a sec WITH your name on there. :) It is on the N'Stuff page, or will be in a bit. The link is in my profile to the main site. I just cant get over how cool all these wallpapers are! I am going to change them up often!!! Thank you SO much!!!!