My penis is huge . . . and I like sushi!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002

So the wife and I have been eating a ton of sushi lately. I just wondered if anybody else is into it.

I like the stereotypical sushi and sashimi (raw fish with a ball of rice underneath or raw fish by itself), but I really like a creatively done role. I'm particularly impressed with eel. I don't eat sushi unless it's raw. I don't believe in cooked sushi. It's blasphemous (except for eel . . . I think it will kill you if it's not cooked).

I suppose California probably has the best sushi in the US . . . and I wouldn't dare try it if I didn't live close to the ocean (so's I know it's fresh).

Proceed with ignorant remarks about raw fish being gross.:loco:
Cali has some mighty fine sushi, no doubt. Though I'm willing to bet anyplace on the west coast is equal. Seattle and Vancouver have equaled my sushi experience, and let's not forget that the single BEST sushi restaurant in the U.S. comes from NYC. That being Nobu.
yeh sushi rules. theres a great all-you-can-eat place in town called fuji kitchen. $10 and its really good shit. the place is always packed with like a 45 min wait, but its soo worth it.
I sampled some years ago. It was well nice. Never got round to making a proper meal of it though...
Sushi is excellent, although friggin' expensive cos I end up ordering so much! It's totally worth it though if it's done well. Eel (Unagi) is my favorite too, but not because it's cooked - I just like that honey glazing they use on it to sweeten it up a little. Otherwise spicy tuna all the way! Oh, and fried sweet potato is excellent (with sesame seeds).

Sashimi is a bit 'feeble' for me - I need the rice underneath just to absorb some of that industrial strength wasabi.

Yeah, I've heard that on average, the best Sushi restaurants are in CA. Apparently, the red snapper there is the best in the world.
Hurh hruhrhruhuhu... you said red snapper.

I've only eaten sushi in California so I have no basis for comparison. Best I've had was in Corona del Mar, a small town near Newport. Bunch of Lambo dealerships right there too, obviously it's in the ghetto. :loco:
Of course y'all cant live with us. None of y'all could handle us. Although I guess we need to teach you hicks how to use a grill.