My Pro Tools Configuration For REAPER(BD,Playlist and QuickPunch Emulation)

Jan 25, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
This is my customized settings files for REAPER. They are based on Adam Wathan's Pro Tools styled KeyMap, but also include a set of Python scripts which emulate the Playlists and QuickPunch functions in Pro Tools. These scripts were made by the REAPER community member named Jnif. Please be clear that all credit for my customization files are owed to Adam Wathan and Jnif, I have merely mashed their works together and kept it current and compatible with the new versions of REAPER. I have borrowed videos from Adam and Jnif as a lazy way to help with explaining, but I will be glad to make some videos of my own if there is enough interest.

Required Downloads:​ Config 10.8.14.ReaperConfigZip My Custom Settings Files (Includes Jnif's Scripts) SWS Extensions Python 3.2.2 (This specific version required) REAPER

Installation Process:​
1. Install REAPER, SWS Extensions, and Python 3.2.2.
2. Open Preferences, navigate to General and export your current configuration.
3. Import Custom ConfigZip.
4. Open the preferences window, navigate to Mouse Modifiers and export your current configuration for all contexts.
Note:DO NOT SKIP STEP 2, SAVE YOUR CONFIGURATION FIRST! It also would be a smart idea to test it on a portable installation first.

Recommended Reading:​ Adam Wathan's original PT/REAPER thread Jnif's Playlist/Dynamic Punch thread Jnif using Playlists for Comping MultiTrack Drums

Adam's Workflow for Drum Editing
Adam's Workflow for Slip Editing

General Shortcuts:​
CTRL/CMD + = Toggle View Mixer/TCP (Set to Work like Pro Tools, TCP and Mixer viewed separately)
= Toggle view Master Mixer Track.
F1 – Cycle Ripple Editing Modes(Shuffle Mode)
F2 – Toggle Snapping(Grid/Slip Mode)
F3 – Move Source to Preferred Position(Spot Mode)
F4 – Enable Relative Grid Snap(Relative Grid Mode)
F5 – Zoom Tool
1 – Whole Note Grid
2 - Half Note Grid
3 - Quarter Note Grid
4 - Eighth Note Grid
5 - Sixteenth Note Grid
6 - Thirtysecond Note Grid
7 – Dotted Grid
8 – Triplet Grid
Shift + S – Solo Selected Tracks
Shift + R – Record Enable Selected Tracks
Shift + I – Cycle Monitoring Modes for Selected Tracks

Playlist Comping:​

Shortcuts for Playlist Comping:

Alt/Option + N – Create New Playlist for Selected Tracks
Alt/Option + Space – Audition Time Selection for Selected Playlist
Alt/Option + ; - Audition Next Playlist
Alt/Option + P – Audition Previous Playlist
Alt/Option + V or Alt/Option + Win + V – Copy Selection to Active Playlist
Alt/Option + T – Explodes Takes to Playlists
CTRL/CMD + Alt/Option + Click Item – Select Tracks of Selected Items
9 – Hide all Playlists
0 – Show all Playlists

Single Track Playlist Recording and Comping:

1: Create Track, Record Item
2: Create new Playlist Alt/Option + N and Record again, Repeat until satisfied.
3: Enable looping in the transport, select an area and take you wish to audition using the marquee tool, and use the audition feature Alt/Option + Space
4: Cycle through the various takes using the Audition Previous and Next functions Alt/Option + P and Alt/Option + ;
5: IMPORTANT: To stop auditioning, click Alt/Option + Space again, DO NOT JUST CLICK SPACE
6: Select the Playlist you wish to use while being careful to maintain the time selection, and copy it to the main playlist Alt/Option + V

Note: For Multi-Track Playlist Recording and Comping, the steps are the same but you must enable Auto-Group Recorded Items, Grouping, and Selecting one Item Selects Group.


1. Space Bar is set to Dynamic Punch Start. Dynamic Punch Start ONLY acts differently from the regular play button if the record mode is set to auto-punch selected items, which is the only mode that Dynamic Punch can work in.
2. Num Pad 3 and CTRL/CMD + Space are set to Dynamic Punch Record. Once again, these work as the normal record function in the other two recording modes, but serve as the Dynamic Punch function in auto punch selected items mode.

Recording with Dynamic Punch

1: Switch Recording Mode to Auto Punch Selected Items
2: Arm Tracks
3: Hit Space
4: Hit Num 3 or CTRL/CMD + Space to Begin Punch-In
5: Hit Num 3 or CTRL/CMD + Space to End Punch-In
6: Punch in and out as many times needed and stop the recording by clicking Space.
7: Drag punched items to before the actual punch in spot... QuickPunch Magic :D

Beat Detective Style Quantizing:​

Shortcuts for Quantizing:
Num 8 – Dynamic Split Items
CTRL/CMD + Num 8 – Quantize Item Positions
Alt/Option + NUM 8 – AdamWathan Fill Gaps(Advanced)
Alt/Option + NUM 0 – Adam Wathan Fill Gaps(Using Previous Settings)

Slip Editing:​

Shortcuts for Slip Editing:
Alt/Option + Mouse Scroll – Scroll Horizontally
Alt/Option + Click Item – Splits item and creates 5 millisecond crossfade to the left of split
Alt/Option + B – Split Item at Cursor with 5 millisecond crossfade to the left
Alt/Option + Drag Item – Slip Edit

When Slip Editing MultiTracks, Make Sure That:
Groups are Enabled
Selecting One Item Selects Group is Enabled
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Thanks, dude. I appreciate it. Bummed that Adam's files became unaccessible when the hosting went down. We should've had that archived somewhere. I'm definitely going to check this out.
Not sure if i'll get around to trying this out, but thanks for putting this all together!

I figured it would be a little bit intimidating for people at first, but I think it is just because I wrote it all out instead of making videos. I actually think it is less information than Adam presented back in the day.

Thanks, dude. I appreciate it. Bummed that Adam's files became unaccessible when the hosting went down. We should've had that archived somewhere. I'm definitely going to check this out.

Yeah man, I'm bummed I didn't save all that stuff also. Let's hope we can pick up the pieces and carry the torch :danceboy:
Is the issue with downloading it or installing it? If it's downloading, when you open the link you should see three download boxes towards the top, one for mac, windows and linux. Don't click the big green advertisement right above the actual downloads that convienently says in big green letters DOWNLOAD. AAhh the joys of advertising.

If it's installing I'd have to hear what exactly is the issue.
I updated my archive and the Installation section.
It is nothing too drastic, just fixed an error and included a ConfigZip with no preferences baked in. If anybody tried and had trouble installing the configzip, or screwed up their preferences and had to revert back to their backup, check out the updates.
Thank you for sharing.
Downloaded python 3.2.2 (mac), and entered a custom path for Python folder (/Applications/Python 3.2)
I get this error:No Python dynamic library found for any compatible version using custom path/Application/Python 3.2.2
Did I forgot anything?
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for sharing.
Downloaded python 3.2.2 (mac), and entered a custom path for Python folder (/Applications/Python 3.2)
I get this error:No Python dynamic library found for any compatible version using custom path/Application/Python 3.2.2
Did I forgot anything?
Thank you for your help.

Write this path:


You should be ok ;)

Thanks a lot for this FarBy0ndMetal. I'm a happy Pro Tools user, but i think slip editing is amazing.
I am curious to see if anybody tried this. I was under the impression that the two most missed features from Pro Tools inside of REAPER were Playlists and QuickPunch. Now that it is possible, it seems noone cares :u-huh:

Maybe you all don't want to use my custom settings? Just install the Python scripts then! Trust me, it is a simple process to install Python and load the scripts, and is TOTALLY worth it!
Thank you Protoss, and thank you FarBy0ndMetal.
it works now... I'm so happy.
All information about the preferences are welcome.... everything is so nice!
More detailed information about the toolbar, actions and anything else I can think of in the coming days.

For now, HINT!!! If you loaded the Config with all of my settings, in Preferences change back the Paths section to folders that are actually on your system, as well as the VST section. In project settings, change your metronome sample directory or erase to use the default metronome sound. Be sure to save the project settings as default.

EDIT: Added a few short videos the the recommended viewing section showing off some of the toolbar icons, dynamic punch and playlist recording and comping :rock:
Bump because I have gotten a few PM's over the dead link of the config file. I have uploaded my latest config which is just a refinement of the original config posted. To make it less complicated I just included a config with literally everything I have in reaper except for my plugins. It will most likely change your default VST folder so beware of that. Hopefully this works and or helps some people!

Edit: I also realize this could be in the wrong sub forum, but it's an old post sorry ;/

Edit2: Does ANYONE have AdamWathan's original PT Keymap? That's what started this whole madness for me, what my config file is based on and I feel like a jackass that I don't have the original version. Surely somebody had to have saved it.