my receptionist


Aug 2, 2002
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has been through a lot.

now her 35 year old daughter, who has 3 kids, is dying of metastatic breast cancer. i went up to their house to check it out last weekend. and it's bad. i'm going back tonight to cook up some food for her.

this bums me out.
the worst part is that since i've been here she has had a series of tragic things happen in her life., her grandson was permanently disabled by a gang of thugs who attacked him on a subway platform last year and her brother died of cancer last year. and so on and so on.
her daughter is a really strong person. she's still going to work even though she has these really wicked open sores and a lot of fatigue and pain. but i can tell when my receptionist comes in some days that she just wants to flop over on her desk and bawl.
I guess people like that are the ones who counterbalance the golden-boy yachting types who die at age eighty while sitting on a white wrought-iron bench by a pond on their personal estate.
okay i am about to take delores out to lunch now and go help her find supplements for her daughter at the health food store.