my review of Saw 2

Ah...thanks. The last time anyone spoke to me like that was when i drove down to see my Gran.

But, i'll take any compliment...ha :D
Yeah, I had the same issue in New York back in 2003-2004. In addition, I had to drive up to Albany from NJ in the middle of a blizzard to get sworn in as the bastards refused to cancel the ceremony and the next one was 3 months down the road. NJ was easier...all I had to do was fill out, sign and mail in a card with the swearing in language contained on it and repeat the oath in front of an attorney admitted to the NJ bar. Agreed, with respect to your job issues. Nothing is worth jeopordizing your license and your own ethics.

Anyway, I won my case last night. Turns out the Plaintiff couldn't evidence damages...sometimes a case is lost on the most basic principles.

Back on topic, I may have to check this movie out eventually, but I don't understand the hype around the ending of the first Saw. I actually thought Saw 1 was great UP UNTIL the ending which I found to be ridiculous. How could Jigsaw not move for that entire was just so outlandish. I actually laughed out loud at the end o_O


Tiff said:
Hi Dave,
Things are going fine for me. My swearing in ceremony was today. I never could figure out why it's a month after the bar results. Maybe some people had "issues" with their character and fitness investigations. I kept waiting for the letter saying they'd made a horrible mistake and I'd really flunked lol! Looking for a new job though because my boss is doing some really, er, unscrupulous things and all I need is a malpractice history this early in my career.
oh and to keep on topic with the thread: