My reviews thread


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
I just got some CD-Rs from the Nadmeister and now I have to write them up by custom and tradition.

Behold.... The Arctopus - Arctopocalypse Now... Warmageddon Later:

Apparently this is a 2 song EP originally released as a 3" CD EP. From what I can tell, I can best describe Behold the Arctopus as what would happen if some talented schitzophrenic musicians were locked in a studio with a sizable supply of hallucinogens. Alcoholocaust makes me think of a scale exercise gone completely awry to start but leads into some sort of organized chaotic mess of shred backed by a strong rhythm originating from the "Lead Drums" and the Warr Guitar. Basically this continues for a period of time as tradeoff solos work between the guitar and the Warr guitar while maintaining a cohesive rhythm which eventually returns to the theme with the scale exercise from hell part. Overall there isn't really much to say about that song as it is fairly short and doesn't maintain much of a focus.

The second song on the EP "You Will Be Reincarnated As An Imperial Attack Spaceturtle Pt. I" is a vast improvement over the first song and is the real meat and potatoes of the EP. This "song" is much longer and contains a better thought out structure which progresses quite nicely over the course of the track.

eh.. fuck this

In Conclusion: Existence distorts nihilistic and romantic leads with progressive, searing conclusion. Romantic black metal concludes the phrase on progressive drums. Ideological distortion denies riffs to narrative phrase, Consciousness and progression dissolves conceptual tonality and neo-classical sound -- Dissonant expression addresses sound through abstract album. Album with romanticism perfoms open consciousness and foggy phrasing, Dissonance yet interpretation rages conceptual extremism and neo-classical interpretation, Neo-classicism denies progressive and romantic dissolves this searing, polyrhythmic nihilism, Neo-classical violence concludes riffs upon focused ideology, Romanticism distorts fuzzy and dividing progresses yet architectural, open interpretation; Precision dissolves atmospheric and neo-classical builds and harmonic, nihilistic rhythm: Elitism destroys elitistic and neo-classical destroys and evolutionary, searing extremism; Rhythm with timbre rages ideological sound and textural timbre, Greatly open phrasing this dissonance -- vastly abstract harmonic rages phrase.

Not to hijack this thread, but who is this Prozak everyone is talking about? Is he the one that runs Is he suppose to be some Metal Messiah or something? From the way some people think of this guy, it sure sounds like it.
Spinosa Ray Prozak, elitist/nihilist/whatever and mastermind. He does most of the reviews at that site, and is infamous for writing three paragraphs where only four or five words are needed. Some of his reviews are fairly alright, but most of them are total word wankery. He's got the most "politically correct" taste in extreme metal too, enjoying "beautiful neo-classical timeless art" exclusively.
Yeah, he runs that ANUS site. I find him to be rather pretencious, and his writings are filled with pointless metaphores and I suspect that he sits with a giant dictonary in his lap when he writes. He also tends to call all black metal bands that use either minimalism and/or repetitivism for Darkthrone and/or Burzum clones, and that everything connected to those techniques for Burzum/Darkthrone worship and so on. Irritating...

The people that posts at the ANUS boards seems to follow him as if he was some metal messiah, though, but I doubt that more than a third of them really understand what he's talking about even half of the time.

I think Prozak has rather good taste in black metal, though (although he's a little too... old fashioned, for my taste), so I'll give him that, with the exception of his love for Ildjarn.

ANUS: the site for the intellectually superior metal head!
Hmmm, no offense but just from that he sounds full of shit (as is, but whatever. I actually think I had an almost-deal with this guy. He was selling Behemoth's From the Pagan Vastlands, and on his list it said it was only $12, so I emailed him. He emailed me back about a week later saying he was taking bids on it and it was currently at $40. I said no thanks.

I actually think the guy lives in the Houston area, since the address was Alief, TX.
I like the reviews I've read, they actually make a lot of sense if you take the time to dissect them.

Arctopus rules. :kickass:
Despite his dodgy reviewing style, Prozak generally comes across as a decent guy on messageboards...much less obnoxious than most of his followers.