my roommates hung out with a drunken Godsmack last night


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Dan was up for a Boston Music Award (didn't win; lost to the Damn Personals, whose name is misspelled "Damned Personals" in the Globe story about the awards; I feel kind of bad I gave them a glowing live-show review on and maybe contributed in a small way to the attitude that their live show is great, but oh well) and at the afterparty, Godsmack's drummer was on something and was draping himself over all of them and breathing in their faces. And Sully was drunk as a skunk and quite the asshole (surprise surprise).

Cave In didn't win anything but ran up onstage and made a speech about coming to kick Andy Kyte's ass before they were hustled off by security.
The CMA (California Music Awards) were never the same after they combined the north and south versions. fucking everyone in the industry can claim they're from LA and competes.
stories of other people hanging out with pseudo-famous people rule!
my friend willie gee does guitar tech for ppl, and worked the cradle of filth/killswitch engage/shadows fall tour recently and showed me pics of Martin the keyboardist for COF (who used to be in my dying bride) in a bunny suit on stage. he said he bought it for $50 and they took all kinds of pictures of him in it. a kid showed up in a winnie the pooh outfit, and they filmed the two of them fighting.

(the bunny stage pics are at my apt, and will post them probably this weekend)
those kind of tour stories are the best. it's amazing what the boredom of the road will drive you to do. the tales I've heard from my friends who work for Green Day are pretty amazing, but I'm not usually allowed to repeat them.