If Kayo Dot doesn't want to host the photos on their own site--I'll let them weigh in--I'll zip up the photos I have and upload them for download, later this week, mindspell.
Well, I just don't know if they (KD) want a photo archive on their website. :) Especially since the photos aren't the most professional. They might just want to leave it up to fan-sites to publish whatever the sites choose and not have anything to do with it at all.
the cheering began b/c forbes was throwing the horns behind greg, simulating demonic bunny ears
I had trouble hearing Toby's vocals. I blame the people behind me. When the music was quiet, I got treated to such fine exchanges as . . .

heckler in audience: "LED ZEPPLIN RULES!"
guys behind me: "oh that was GAY I mean . . . GAY . . . GAY . . . sixth guitarist . . . GAY . . . band leader . . . GAY . . ."

guys behind me on violinists: " . . . you they would do your bidding."

guys behind me on people in front blocking view: "I could so kick that guy's ass . . . GAY."

Other fine sights:

01. Greg's effect box thingy which alternated between
Greg's Slut
Greg's Other Slut
Greg's Clean Slut

02. Forbes' eyes rolling back in his head while playing.

03. Greg's bald spot.
Toby: It was neat being there.
Alex: Yeah. I disappeared between sets. And at the end... well I'm sure my dapper appearance gave no hint of this but I rushed out of the house so quickly in the morning wearing jeans over my PJs.
Greg: I prefer not to discuss your unit in mixed company. Thx.
Toby: I was in an RPG club long enough to translate what I overheard. "We love this band. In ways that make us uncomfrotable. We shall now disguise it."
I have to say i was never a fan of Maudlin of the well but THe live Show last night was very very impressive 4 guitars, bass/ stand upbass, Horns, 2 Violins and Drummer. A great mix of neurosis meets Frank Zappa with alot of Pro rock and mellow moments.

there set at the Middle East in Boston was 3 songs of perfection to me

was a blast to see Toby and Greg of the band last night. I hope there Band has a fruitful career.


FuSoYa said:
Thanks, it was nice to see you too. So, were you the one yelling "Frank Zappa! Frank Zappa rules! I love Frank Zappa!" while we were setting up?

No Toby i was just standing there shaking my head. Hey maybe next time i see ya you can keep all your strings intact sir hehehe.

anyway its a long time coming and we should hang more also i would like all the Kayo Dot people to know a once anti Motw person has been converted by this band.

:Spam: check out my ambient meets post rock project Broken Hands for Brilliant Minds at http://www.soundclick.com/brokenhandsforbrilliantminds
CD out now on Odd Halo Recordings (http://www.oddhalo.com/ )
