My SOD Tattoo

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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but it looks like that chicks box might be nicer. For charlie to have signed anything with SOD on it is insulting. He should pack up his shit, his cunt and and her kid and fuckin rot in hell in chicago. He is a piece of shit like his jewcifer friend who is going to marry meatloafs wallet.
Buzzard said:
but it looks like that chicks box might be nicer. For charlie to have signed anything with SOD on it is insulting. He should pack up his shit, his cunt and and her kid and fuckin rot in hell in chicago. He is a piece of shit like his jewcifer friend who is going to marry meatloafs wallet.

Whaaa whaaa whaaa whaaa, you should really be know as the rebel who loves to cry. Whaaa fucken whaaaa. You were (and still are) a nobody before Scott and Charlie did SOD with you. Who the fuck knew who Billy Milano was before that. NO ONE. If you had even half the talent Charlie has in his pinky you would be something, but your a bitter little midget. Why not make your own music, and quit riding on 2 decade old coat tails of other more talented peoples success. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Just out of curiosity, why are you posting in here, and why do you hate Billy so much?

Just wondering
Anthrax complain how the American metal scene sucks, The thing is they do it in Metal HAmmer in GErmany. Don't worry he will be banned soon enough.
The funny thing it's the guys like this that brag about be tough and at metalfests they run and hide from an ass whoopin. Even this bitch is getting banned, his mom is welcome to stay. Blow jobs for everyone from this dudes mom. hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Canthraxadian said:
Whaaa whaaa whaaa whaaa, you should really be know as the rebel who loves to cry. Whaaa fucken whaaaa. You were (and still are) a nobody before Scott and Charlie did SOD with you. Who the fuck knew who Billy Milano was before that. NO ONE. If you had even half the talent Charlie has in his pinky you would be something, but your a bitter little midget. Why not make your own music, and quit riding on 2 decade old coat tails of other more talented peoples success. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
This is a great example of the kind of shit our people produce on the west coast of our great country. It is truly sad out there with all the same sex marriages , the wacko child molesters , and Immigrants who hold political office. It is truly fucked up. take all that and mix in a little "moms a drunk" and " daddy touches me in the middle of the night " and you end up with a Canthraxdian. A Canthraxadian is a person afflicted with the mental tourture of the things i described above.Billy you cant blame this poor retard for being the way he is. he doent see that scott and charlie without billy milano is just anthrax, they were good back in the day but after joey left....... well back to the point, hes just a poor soul whos mom is a drunk, whos daddy touches him, who lives in a state where guys marry other guys and is run by a immigrant govenor. you cant blame him for lashing out, that poor bastard, that poor stupid bastard.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
You want to know the best part of all??? If this pussy really lives in Calif
(It's hard to know if he's full of shit) When that fucked up fag breeding state falls in the ocean he'll be one of the millions of useless pickle smooching
fairies who sinks to the bottom!! I can live with that!!


"American Pride Burns Inside!!"
:worship: God Bless America!! :worship:

old school headbanger said:
This is a great example of the kind of shit our people produce on the west coast of our great country. It is truly sad out there with all the same sex marriages , the wacko child molesters , and Immigrants who hold political office. It is truly fucked up. take all that and mix in a little "moms a drunk" and " daddy touches me in the middle of the night " and you end up with a Canthraxdian. A Canthraxadian is a person afflicted with the mental tourture of the things i described above.Billy you cant blame this poor retard for being the way he is. he doent see that scott and charlie without billy milano is anthrax, they were good back in the day but after joey left....... well back to the point, hes just a poor soul whos mom is a drunk, whos daddy touches him, who lives in a state where guys marrey other guys and is run by a immigrant govenor. you cant blame him for lashing out, that poor bastard, that poor stupid bastard
T_man357 said:
Couldn't have said it better myself.
You want to know the best part of all??? If this pussy really lives in Calif
(It's hard to know if he's full of shit) When that fucked up fag breeding state falls in the ocean he'll be one of the millions of useless pickle smooching
fairies who sinks to the bottom!! I can live with that!!


i tell ya, the day that shit happens im going to throw a fuckin party, :headbang:
I'm kind of guess by Canthraxadian's name that he's in Canada. They have beaches there, they are just shitty. And why would this guy be banned for expressing himself? Isn't that was these kind of boards are for? I'm not taking the dudes side but it just seems a little funny to kick a dude off for speaking his mind.
he was banned for being a pussy who threatened me and my family. When I e-mailed his pussy ass he called the cops. SO, understand I have no patience for children. If you want to talk shit about me fine, but my uncles who he slagged were both war hero's. One recieved the silver star in ww2.
Canthraxadian said:
Whaaa whaaa whaaa whaaa, you should really be know as the rebel who loves to cry. Whaaa fucken whaaaa. You were (and still are) a nobody before Scott and Charlie did SOD with you. Who the fuck knew who Billy Milano was before that. NO ONE. If you had even half the talent Charlie has in his pinky you would be something, but your a bitter little midget. Why not make your own music, and quit riding on 2 decade old coat tails of other more talented peoples success. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I have to agree with Canthraxadian.
Stop the fucing whining! Get over it douche bag. Your still a nobody.
I don't think Bily's a nobody. If he was a nobody there wouldn't be a board for him. Understand Billy that when you get angry about something that happened between you and Scott and Charlie in the past:you're just living in the past! You're way smarter than that friend :) . If you channel your hate to productive you'll succeed more. Try it!! You are just giving your energy to Scott and Charlie and what is it doing for you. Revealing and bringing up old scars?? What is this doing for you, ask yourself?

I study eastern medicine and the effects of this negative thinking usually transfers overs to the physical plane. Do you want hypertension?