My somewhat humble introduction.

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In Need of Self-Discovery
May 24, 2002
Frederick MD
While I have recently visited the COB forum I have been sent on a mission. After conversing with two interesting/odd characters I have elected myself as well as been elected to pass on a message. While you read remember this one thing...Thou shall not slay the messenger, although in some cases he has bestowed his anguish upon his own dumb self.

YES! You may send them a message using the un-banned characteristics of your UM account. You must tell them THIS:

ATTENTION RAHVIN: Your lies have gone too far! The Best Person in the World and The Gayest Person in the World does not tolerate this. Holy war is coming. We suggest you prepare yourself for the coming holocaust. September 11th will seem like a gay pic-nic when they change their ISPs and create brand new identities. They will be untracable, very sneaky, impossible to catch. Except Sic who will fuck up all the time. Everyone will suffer!



Evidently they feel as if they have been cheated. Claiming their posts which were removed for no good reason/cause, they say that their "flooding" was nothing more than the replacement of good posts twice removed. Although I was not present for the situation I do believe that many of the bashers here who have been accusing share the same status as myself and therefore are not entitled to such an open opinion as I have witnessed.

- Dis
I don't really know what to say. I will tell you that relaying this message was completely unnecessary. This drama lasted quite long enough, and nobody appreciates to be reminded of it.
damn...when you think somebody has been as stupid as a human being can be...boooooom they beat themelves :lol:

I'm sure you guys are going to scare the hell out of rahvin...i'm already digging my own nuclear_proof basement...

fathervic (shiney happy people)
I suggest noone replies to this thread anymore, just let it sink, don't give them any more food/attention.
@siren: i'm gonna help it sink, i guess. ;)

@distortorous: it's ok, comments duly noted. however, we've all read that thread before so there's no need to post it here. i'm only adding that mentioning september, 11th in that way in relation to activities on a forum online is really disgusting.

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