My Songs - Check This

Metal Inc.

Metal Inc.
Jan 13, 2003
Las Vegas,Nevada
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Stygian Apothegm said:
first off i think you should stop ripping off cob riffs :) that one riff in metal inc. is straight from chokehold. and i already gave my comments about the everytime i die song (mortal remains).

but man if you can play that shit i will be impressed. start recording it man! i record all my stuff with no expense so you can do it too.

i think your strong point is your solos. i can't write solos worth shit (unless they are slow ones and im in the mood). you can make them sound cool. you'd be the type of guy i'd higher for my lead guitarist :)

really good stuff. just try to make the songs YOUR own. it sounds too much like cob. we don't need anymore clones imo.

That one riff in Metal Inc? Could you be a little more specific. I wrote 90% of that song before HCDR even came out. I know i sound like Bodom a bit but mostly cause of my keyboard stuff. Did you like Lifes End?

Damn is anyone else going to respond?
Souns awesome!!! But...... there are really some rip offs from cob songs.
Lifes End - on the beggining we've got piece of Hate Me! and later some other similar riffs
Mortal Remains - off course Evertime I Die riff ;]
I dindn't hear th MetaL Inc