My suggestion for next years showcase....

yes yes YES

on a sidenote, I picked up an album at Lance's table by this band called DARKWATER

holy shit these guys NEED to play the showcase!!!
SHANE! Get 'em!!!!!!!

I also picked up this cd and it is AWESOME. I didn't pick up very many cds, but this is the one I'm playing over, and over, and over. So good. I literally finish the cd then start it over again. Not a bad track on it.
I would love to see Forbidden. They are definitely my favorite thrash band. They last time they played a show they reformed as Forbidden Evil. They had members of the band throughout the years switch off and even had Steve Smyth as a guest. They would definitely slay!

I would also love to see Aghora, Dark Empire, Halcyon Way, Theocracy, or Meyvn, Shock Opera, or Mindcage.
Since I didnt get Nocturnal Rites in the Main Event, I DEMAND yes Shane DEMAND you book them as the headliner. With Vision Divine, Mindlfow, and Firewind opening. In whatever order you see fit. Make it happen I wont come to your house and put funny hats on you.

ps I wont really do anything at all if you dont get of said bands other than pout in the corner.
Shane - bring back Wuthering Heights! :worship: Afte their incredible Shadow Cabinet release in 2006, they deserve to come back and blow the roof off Center Stage! Hell yeah! Besides, their frontman will already be here for the Astral Doors show - so that will save you some bucks. heh heh. :heh:
Mercenary, Raintime, Machine Men, Circus Maximus.... sigh I can dream right? Then progpower would have to have Iced Earth, Helloween, Gamma Ray, Kamelot, Stratovarius, Blind Guardian, Edguy, Nightwish, and 2-3 sets of Ayreon to satisfy the Prog aspect.

Yikes, can you imagine a 10th anniversary show with that line-up to commerate Progpower. I hate it when I make myself giddy.

Yes your giddyness is henceforth transferring to me now I've made myself giddy. Gotta bring things back down, deep breath......
Wasn't it said that every year they were going to bring a band back for the showcase that kicked a ton of ass at the main show the past year? If this is the case, then who do you bring back? It's almost impossible for me to decide who was my favorite from the first three bands of each day (assuming your not going to be bringing in those top slots to then play the showcase). They were all great. Maybe Firewind? I could see Raintime coming back....i thought that they were very well recieved. Also as many of said Threshold would probably be a great choice. I don't know. So many different ways it could go. There is an abundance of additional bands deserving of a showcase spot, Darkwater would be awesome!!! :headbang: I picked up their disc at PP this year and haven't stopped listening to it. I'm listening to it right now as a matter of fact. I look forward to seeing what comes together. :cool:
I don't think Brainstorm is going to be one of the headliners for the fest, so I hope they are at the showcase. That would be great!