My teacher should be fired...

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
My cunt of an english teacher actually said that the reason Bush was slow to respond to the hurricane victems was because the majority of the population in New Orleans was black! Needless to say I was shocked that a teacher would say this to studens. I was under the impression that teachers were not supposed to preach their bullshit politcs to studens. It dosen't suprise me she gets her politics from some braindead rapper.
Oblivious Maximus said:
My cunt of an english teacher actually said that the reason Bush was slow to respond to the hurricane victems was because the majority of the population in New Orleans was black! Needless to say I was shocked that a teacher would say this to studens. I was under the impression that teachers were not supposed to preach their bullshit politcs to studens. It dosen't suprise me she gets her politics from some braindead rapper.
I said this on other forums and I'll say it hear. As much as I don't like Bush It wasnt his fault. My only problem is he was a little to smug huggin and kissin everyone. Smiling like some two bit politician in third rate town.
Dont think about it. Teachers are not supposed to exspress their opinions on politics. Maybe if she loses her job she will learn.
Oblivious Maximus said:
My cunt of an english teacher actually said that the reason Bush was slow to respond to the hurricane victems was because the majority of the population in New Orleans was black! Needless to say I was shocked that a teacher would say this to studens. I was under the impression that teachers were not supposed to preach their bullshit politcs to studens. It dosen't suprise me she gets her politics from some braindead rapper.

That's almost as bad as those motherfuckers who say that Bush CAUSED the tornado.
It can be worse. I had a communist teacher who was seriously telling us that Cuba was the best place to live! I'm not kidding.
they do have some dam fine cigars. mmmmmmm cohiba sigilo iv

johnnieCzech said:
It can be worse. I had a communist teacher who was seriously telling us that Cuba was the best place to live! I'm not kidding.
Anyone hear the CNN reporter who describing the storm damage he was seeing said the people there were "so poor and so black". then Bushs mom went to say that the conditions they were living in at the shelters was better than what they were living in before Katrina.
turn her in, and if she makes a statement that stupid again, challenge her on it IMMEDIATELY!!

as long as they think they have a captive audience and they know they're responsible for molding these impressionable minds, they'll take advantage of it.
dont allow it. make a stand. :headbang:
The whiter they are, the guiltier they feel. Whiteys!

You can complain to the principal and superintendant, but these board of ed folks are some of the biggest communist gay Che Guevara fuckers imaginable.

I heard the same shit from a bitch at work here, right next to my desk. I unloaded on her, stunning even my boss, who came around the corner asking "What happened?"

The cows were shocked mostly because I contain my rage-filled ranting for this forum and go low-key at work. But this was too much. Its bad enough that the cows listen to WPLR while working and then pollute the air by repeating liberal complaints like fuckin parrots.
