They Know How To Teach In Shy-Town!

Fucktarded all of you!

Jerry, you chose to serve and defend freedom, right on, but you can't piss on people for using their freedom to bitch about whatever. Plus, serving doesn't make your opinion any more valid.

Jurched, I have no idea what goes on in Chicago schools but I doubt it's all peaches and clovers. The truth is shit like that happens and is often covered up. Fuck, if priests are willing to cover for each other when they decide to do a some boy fucking you can bet your ass teachers will cover when they get fed up with kids.

I have two kids in school right now. My oldest goeas to the county's advanced placement elementry school along with 40 other kids in his grade deemed gifted. You have attend parenting sessions with guest speakers and do some amount of school service through out the year. The bulk of the parents in this school act like their kid is the next president and that they shit french vanilla ice cream. These little fuckers get away with murder and Mom and Dad will argue over any poor grade and disciplinary action.

On the other end my 5 year is autistic and in special ed. The short bus picks his ass up everyday and he sits in a room with about 10 other kids not allowed to have sharp objects. The parents of these kids have adjusted the expectations for everything. Now, my boy will never be captain of industry but he is expected to behave to the best of his ability. Some kids are just in there and they expect the school to do the heavy lifting for them. Every so often the news will feature a child in special education getting abused and it hits home for me. I don't think he would even know to tell me if some ass was hitting him.

I stand by my original thought, nobody should whip my kids ass but me.

Jurched, I know your kid is still a baby, trust me, after you meet enough douche bag teachers, you're not going to want to allow them to do that either.
Fucktarded all of you!

Jerry, you chose to serve and defend freedom, right on, but you can't piss on people for using their freedom to bitch about whatever. Plus, serving doesn't make your opinion any more valid.

Jurched, I have no idea what goes on in Chicago schools but I doubt it's all peaches and clovers. The truth is shit like that happens and is often covered up. Fuck, if priests are willing to cover for each other when they decide to do a some boy fucking you can bet your ass teachers will cover when they get fed up with kids.

I have two kids in school right now. My oldest goeas to the county's advanced placement elementry school along with 40 other kids in his grade deemed gifted. You have attend parenting sessions with guest speakers and do some amount of school service through out the year. The bulk of the parents in this school act like their kid is the next president and that they shit french vanilla ice cream. These little fuckers get away with murder and Mom and Dad will argue over any poor grade and disciplinary action.

On the other end my 5 year is autistic and in special ed. The short bus picks his ass up everyday and he sits in a room with about 10 other kids not allowed to have sharp objects. The parents of these kids have adjusted the expectations for everything. Now, my boy will never be captain of industry but he is expected to behave to the best of his ability. Some kids are just in there and they expect the school to do the heavy lifting for them. Every so often the news will feature a child in special education getting abused and it hits home for me. I don't think he would even know to tell me if some ass was hitting him.

I stand by my original thought, nobody should whip my kids ass but me.

Jurched, I know your kid is still a baby, trust me, after you meet enough douche bag teachers, you're not going to want to allow them to do that either.

Fair enough, my friend. I get to ranting just to get you punks riled up, and I'm glad I'm so successful! Makes for good entertainment, as well as providing for the occasional thoughful comment.

Things can always be better's my point. And its not always as bad as some like to report. I'm sure we can agree we just want the best for our kids... but some people actually try to get the best while others just sit and wish. My parents were the wishers, not the doers. Taught me a lesson the hard way.

Best wishes to your boy, I've got friends who're going bankrupt on getting special tutors for their autistic boy.

there's a difference between a smack to get a misbehaving child's attention and a beating. i think people get the two mixed up. i dont have a problem with a teacher or principle giving my kid a smack on his backside to get his attention.
i'm from a generation and an area where school spankings were common. as the wild woman of my elementary school i took quite a few and it didnt stunt my growth or warp me in any way.
Fucktarded all of you!

Jerry, you chose to serve and defend freedom, right on, but you can't piss on people for using their freedom to bitch about whatever. Plus, serving doesn't make your opinion any more valid.

Jurched, I have no idea what goes on in Chicago schools but I doubt it's all peaches and clovers. The truth is shit like that happens and is often covered up. Fuck, if priests are willing to cover for each other when they decide to do a some boy fucking you can bet your ass teachers will cover when they get fed up with kids.

I have two kids in school right now. My oldest goeas to the county's advanced placement elementry school along with 40 other kids in his grade deemed gifted. You have attend parenting sessions with guest speakers and do some amount of school service through out the year. The bulk of the parents in this school act like their kid is the next president and that they shit french vanilla ice cream. These little fuckers get away with murder and Mom and Dad will argue over any poor grade and disciplinary action.

On the other end my 5 year is autistic and in special ed. The short bus picks his ass up everyday and he sits in a room with about 10 other kids not allowed to have sharp objects. The parents of these kids have adjusted the expectations for everything. Now, my boy will never be captain of industry but he is expected to behave to the best of his ability. Some kids are just in there and they expect the school to do the heavy lifting for them. Every so often the news will feature a child in special education getting abused and it hits home for me. I don't think he would even know to tell me if some ass was hitting him.

I stand by my original thought, nobody should whip my kids ass but me.

Jurched, I know your kid is still a baby, trust me, after you meet enough douche bag teachers, you're not going to want to allow them to do that either.

I agree with you Whitey. For me, going through K-8 in the same Catholic School was worse than Marine Corps boot camp. Like you, nobody should whip my kids ass but me.

Sorry to hear that your child has autism. IMO, special needs parents have more than double the work of an average parent. My friend Paul's son is autistic and he tells me everything he does for his boy. My son is 4 and has to go through speech therapy once a week. We're trying to get his speech where it needs to be before he starts kindergarten this September.

It's a shame that there are a lot of parents that really don't care about their kids and take the time to be involved in their kids daily lives. Then they wonder why their kid is getting bad grades, getting in trouble, have a drug problem, teenage pregnancy...etc.
there's a difference between a smack to get a misbehaving child's attention and a beating. i think people get the two mixed up. i dont have a problem with a teacher or principle giving my kid a smack on his backside to get his attention.
i'm from a generation and an area where school spankings were common. as the wild woman of my elementary school i took quite a few and it didnt stunt my growth or warp me in any way.
100 licks with a belt or tossing a kid against a wall is out of line for a school official.

And your level of warpedness is subjective:lol:
Fair enough, my friend. I get to ranting just to get you punks riled up, and I'm glad I'm so successful! Makes for good entertainment, as well as providing for the occasional thoughful comment.

Things can always be better's my point. And its not always as bad as some like to report. I'm sure we can agree we just want the best for our kids... but some people actually try to get the best while others just sit and wish. My parents were the wishers, not the doers. Taught me a lesson the hard way.

Best wishes to your boy, I've got friends who're going bankrupt on getting special tutors for their autistic boy.

I would like to believe that these things are usually isolated and not the norm.

You'll find as your kid gets older that every parent has there own style and you'll have to find yours. I'm still betting at the end of the day that you'll prefer to whip your own kids ass instead of some guy who's been dealing with 30 little fuckers all day and is already on edge.
100 licks with a belt or tossing a kid against a wall is out of line for a school official.

And your level of warpedness is subjective:lol:

ok. i'll give you that one, but i dare say, spankings had little to nothing to do with it. :goggly:
I'm still betting at the end of the day that you'll prefer to whip your own kids ass instead of some guy who's been dealing with 30 little fuckers all day and is already on edge.

Perhaps you're right. But, I'm still not convinced that corporal punishment should be equated with abuse, as our Northeastern culture insists. After witnessing many instances of psychological punishment and humiliation in class, I will never accept that a ruler across the hand is more damaging than getting a brain full of insults and put-downs from an angry, frustrated teacher.

Well, as Sue attests, down South they treat that sort of thing a little differently, at least in the 80s when she was in school. I don't know if they still allow hitting in class.

I did have a friend who moved from NY State to Shreveport, LA back in 1984, I think. How shocked was he to have to bring home a slip for his parents to sign, giving his teachers permission to strike him in class! They moved back north a few years later. He never told me that he was hit by a teacher, just that they needed parental permission to administer corporal punishment.

See, now THIS would be helpful in the United States:

The Tanzania Teachers' Union is taking legal action after 19 primary school teachers were given the cane.

The teachers were caned by a police officer in front of their pupils after an investigation into poor exam results at three schools. The report blamed teachers for being late or not showing up for work and not teaching the official syllabus.

The deputy education minister has said those responsible for the caning "should have their heads examined".

The union is planning a large demonstration next week in protest at the incident. The case comes at a time when parents and human rights groups in Tanzania have been calling for a ban on flogging of schoolchildren throughout the country.

Some of my crappy teachers deserved the cane, too! And a good portion of the student body!

See that? Thanks to you guys, I was just getting round to feeling more merciful, but an article like this raises my morale and brings me right back to cheering on a good ol' fashioned caning! Ha ha ha!

Perhaps you're right. But, I'm still not convinced that corporal punishment should be equated with abuse, as our Northeastern culture insists. After witnessing many instances of psychological punishment and humiliation in class, I will never accept that a ruler across the hand is more damaging than getting a brain full of insults and put-downs from an angry, frustrated teacher.

Well, as Sue attests, down South they treat that sort of thing a little differently, at least in the 80s when she was in school. I don't know if they still allow hitting in class.

I did have a friend who moved from NY State to Shreveport, LA back in 1984, I think. How shocked was he to have to bring home a slip for his parents to sign, giving his teachers permission to strike him in class! They moved back north a few years later. He never told me that he was hit by a teacher, just that they needed parental permission to administer corporal punishment.


We had this teacher in high school that would lob insults left and right at students. Shit about them, their mothers, their clothes...etc. I agree, a slap on the wrist with a ruler would be a better deal.

I don't think a smack on the ass or wrists is abuse. I think tossing kids into walls and shit is over the top.
Perhaps you're right. But, I'm still not convinced that corporal punishment should be equated with abuse, as our Northeastern culture insists. After witnessing many instances of psychological punishment and humiliation in class, I will never accept that a ruler across the hand is more damaging than getting a brain full of insults and put-downs from an angry, frustrated teacher.

Well, as Sue attests, down South they treat that sort of thing a little differently, at least in the 80s when she was in school. I don't know if they still allow hitting in class.

I did have a friend who moved from NY State to Shreveport, LA back in 1984, I think. How shocked was he to have to bring home a slip for his parents to sign, giving his teachers permission to strike him in class! They moved back north a few years later. He never told me that he was hit by a teacher, just that they needed parental permission to administer corporal punishment.


wait... you mean there were some schools that actually asked permission before getting out 'The Equalizer' and putting some color in a student's cheeks??