Teacher accused of wizardry; Harry Potter surrenders

"To lead the flock astray each cult began the game,
They created the face of evil and gave it a name."
~Kiuas, The Decaying Doctrine

Some of the best lyrics ever.

"Fire rains down from the Heavens
Pouring down on those too weak to learn.
All the ruins of the dead religions
Standing tall as the enslaving doctrines burn."
She totally made that up on the spot. She was probably like "I'm done with the books, so I can say whatever I want, it can only drive sales."

Wizardry = Witchcraft = Satan = wait, no, Satanism is legal now...WTF?

plus isnt there supposed to be seperation of church and school?
Here is the Principle's email address; destabro@pasco.k12.fl.us

Someone posted this in another forum;

What I wrote to him;

Subject: You're ignorant cracker, did you know that?

Firing somebody for a slight-of-hand trick?

What is this? 1420?

Do you have the Malleus Maleficarum on the desk in your office?

Do you beat children to drive out their demons?

Expect to be sued by the ACLU, my friend, and I hope they destroy you.

I thought this video might be appropriate here-
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Ass holes, magic is against school policies?


Assholes indeed. My fast mana deck was nearly finished too. :mad:
I don't collect tarot cards, and from a quick glance at reading that I thought it said "add *** to your mama pool." It took me a few reads to finally find my mistake.